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  1. bigBlunt25

    Early flowering Diamond line madness.

    So I put the plant out on april 1st str8 from 24 hour light indoor thinking I would get a head start but it started flowering and still is, i think . How can I tell if its reverting to veg or still flowering it looks to be flowering to me.:?:
  2. bigBlunt25

    Newbie Needs Help with Flowering Process..Any Help Greatly Appreciated!

    look at the third node in the v where the branch comes off you should see tiny thing that looks kinda like a flower before bloom with a tiny white hair coming out of the center
  3. bigBlunt25

    Starting indoors then moving outside

    germinate the seeds put them in solo cup 1/2 to 3/4 full of dirt bout half inch deep root down dont touch root. kees soil damp put a small light on it and wait you can use small floros put them almost touching plant
  4. bigBlunt25

    right track curing?

    any tips? what is it notsupposed too smell like?
  5. bigBlunt25

    right track curing?

    When can you tell if your cure is going good? I have two mason jars with white widow in them for 5 vdays now and the smell is nothing to brag about . I open the jars twice a day I put them in when the outside was dry .:bigjoint:
  6. bigBlunt25

    Harvest 4 days dried

    about a foot - I think I did harvest too early.
  7. bigBlunt25

    Harvest 4 days dried

    Whats a bomb ass indoor plant to grow man thanks for our help
  8. bigBlunt25

    Harvest 4 days dried

    looks like i got bout 2 ounces or little more to me
  9. bigBlunt25

    Harvest 4 days dried

    kept the light about 10 inches away- supposed to be white widow from amsterdam marijuan seeds. I thinks its something else looks to much sativa like
  10. bigBlunt25

    Harvest 4 days dried

    1 plant 400 watt hps
  11. bigBlunt25

    Harvest 4 days dried

    buds from 1 plant been drien 4 days is this good bad ok or what I CAAN HAANDLE THE THRUTH.
  12. bigBlunt25

    how to make multiple and single big colas.

    It depends on the strain some are good with topping some not. As far as making more colas topping and lst are good. I prefer lst check out my lst plant,:weed: no topping.
  13. bigBlunt25

    Bud Growth

    Come on has anyone one here grown bud? IF you have take a sec to give an opinion its 90 people looking just an opnion is all Im looking for?
  14. bigBlunt25

    Bud Growth

    This is my first grow to maturity. I was wondering how much more do the buds grow the last weeks of flower? I am 6 weeks into whats sems to be mostly sativa plant I just want to know what kind of yeild to expect.:?:
  15. bigBlunt25

    Brown Spots, Red stems, yellowing lower leaves HELP

    If you only added nutes once your entire grow and you are growing in soil without time release fert- I would add some fert. What you have should work.
  16. bigBlunt25

    how much?

    dAmn are there any people that answer questions on here come one you guys any Growers ?
  17. bigBlunt25

    how much?

    :leaf:How much bigger do buds get after 4-5 weeks sativa on average? White Widow (amsterdam marijuana seeds).:leaf:
  18. bigBlunt25

    Damn it

    Its still green on top and none of the leaves in the buds are yellow
  19. bigBlunt25

    Damn it

    :weed:a few pics looks worse in person
  20. bigBlunt25

    Delaying Flowering Outdoors to Increase Yield

    Hope they put out enough light.