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  1. geohawk

    rolling leaves

    You say your watering every day? do they really need that much? Wait till the soil's dry before watering, I stick my finger down about an inch or so and if its still wet I wait to water it...
  2. geohawk

    Seed grew in garbage can!!!!

    At this point I'd say its just better to start over, it MIGHT grow but you'd be better off in the long run starting with a plant that has a healthy tap root.
  3. geohawk

    First timer closet setup.

    Looking good so far.
  4. geohawk

    Help with sexing please

    I can't see anything indicating sex, if its only been 2 days I'd say its to soon to know..
  5. geohawk

    1st Grow (Signs of trouble) HELP !!!

    It doest look like anythings "wrong". It looks like its time to harvest! :bigjoint: