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  1. dafky2000

    Males...Anything good out them?

    hahaha i heard only hermies and plants with retardations that usually die before they get too big. but check this out apparently femenized seeds are produced from stress. even a female has 100% abilty to pruduce a male flower. kinda kewl concept -- Organic Marijuana Soma Style (producing...
  2. dafky2000

    Males...Anything good out them?

    a good usefullness of males is the ability to reproduce seeds :) create your own strains that you'de like the best. it does take alot of time and work but but saving and creating new genetics is always fun :)
  3. dafky2000

    xxx-420% First Hydro Grow

    more pictures :hump: currently the 6 clones are in soil but once they are done the flower side will be DWC as well
  4. dafky2000

    xxx-420% First Hydro Grow

    sooo about a week later..... i got my new box up and running!! yeah!! instead of the 200w red cfl i decided to go with a 250w hps :hump: omg, what a difference! i harvested the xx-420% (MY FIRST HARVEST.... 3rd attempt....) and now i have 4 mixed strains (could be any combination of: white...
  5. dafky2000

    xxx-420% First Hydro Grow

    wow.... so they have grown quite a bit and my grow box plans are carrying out. instead of using a 200w flouro red, i decided to go with either a 150w or 250w hps for flowering, also i have changed the growing style to bubbleponics for both sides. both sides are 22 x 22 (inches) so i am a little...
  6. dafky2000

    My first grow, white widow...

    hey! looking healthy, i just ordered some WW from nirvana seeds! im very excited to see the results
  7. dafky2000

    xxx-420% First Hydro Grow

    so heres some mooorrree pics. ive taken in a friends small plant. it is a very unstable hybrid and we are just going to flower it and see what happens. the other 3 are doing great they are sucking up the full strength nutes like crazy! a new local grow shop opened up and that should save me a...
  8. dafky2000

    1st Grow - Soil, Closet

    i heard flushing with plain water is less effective then flushing with 1/4 or even 1/8 strength solution
  9. dafky2000

    xxx-420% First Hydro Grow

    for sure! the flowering chamber is a little bit smaller then my current one, im excited! it wont be done till aroun the sept. or oct. as its going to be pricey for me. i through a 27w warm cfl in there, i got 3 more but no sockets :P i want to put at least a second one hopefully it'll help
  10. dafky2000

    xxx-420% First Hydro Grow

    i need some help with the pruning, should i be pruning the leaves or the lower bud-sites? i want to increase the crown bud growth and the yield in general. i have been trimming the leaves and it seems to be okay.... im kinda down about my light, my 105w (actually 105w not just equivalent) cfl is...
  11. dafky2000

    First Grow

    wow keep up the good work! i wanna seeee more pics!! :D
  12. dafky2000

    My first grow, white widow...

    hey dude you should totally add some more pics and updates!!
  13. dafky2000

    My first grow, white widow...

    looking good, i'll be watching! i might be buying some WW seeds or clones next :D
  14. dafky2000

    Sour Diesel Growing.

    give it 18 hours of lights for about 1 or 2 months, then start giving it 12 hours of light until 50% - 70% of the hairs are reddish brown. smoke and enjoy....... re: sorry if this was of no help at all...
  15. dafky2000

    1st Grow - Soil, Closet

    looking sweet!! ive been looking into getting a 200w cfl red spectrum for my new grow box. right now im flower with a 105w cfl blue spectrum, and im getting aleight results... for a first harvest anyways!! :blsmoke:
  16. dafky2000

    My First Hydro Grow

    i have some algae problems as well, for about 1 and half months now. but i haven't noticed anything wrong with the plants themselves, they seem to be doing great. apparently you use food-grade hydrogen peroxide to kill the algae and it also oxygenates the roots more :blsmoke:
  17. dafky2000

    xxx-420% First Hydro Grow

    im pretty sure its the 2nd week... im not sure though haha i loose track of time easy my new growbox should be ready come sept or oct. :hump: anywho imma continue my :joint:
  18. dafky2000

    First Grow

    wow they look so sexy!!! keep up the good work, any idea of the strain? keep posting!
  19. dafky2000

    xxx-420% First Hydro Grow

    soooo, no ones replied in a while i hope people are at least looking at this:evil: meh here are some more pictures... the first is before trimming and the last is obviously.... after. i got some more close up shots im really liking the look of em :hump: also i made plans for my new growbox...
  20. dafky2000

    First Grow

    that shouldnt hurt your plants. i think they will be exactly the same because they can only take in so much lights anyways.