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  1. GermanBeachBum

    First Time CFL Closet Grow

    Oh i will def. keep this thread updated.. and i really appreciate all the help im gettin from you ppl.. thanks so much y'all helping me out quite alot!
  2. GermanBeachBum

    First Time CFL Closet Grow

    Thanks.. i hope it will turn out good by Christmas time so i can have a lil bud to toke ;) It's been kinda dry where i live had a hard time gettin any decent greenery lately.. i thought that was kinda crazy cause where im orignially from you never had any prob. gettin' some herb so i decided...
  3. GermanBeachBum

    First Time CFL Closet Grow

    ah ok thanks man, i will be sure to do that then ;)
  4. GermanBeachBum

    First Time CFL Closet Grow

    thanks my man.. yea i have been kinda thinking about putting them in seperate containers.. and yes those bulbs are from wally world. i am gettin another light fixture either today or tomorrow and i will def. be gettin the 6500k bulb now that you mentioned it ;). and about the lighting cycle...
  5. GermanBeachBum

    First Time CFL Closet Grow

    come on... anyone?
  6. GermanBeachBum

    First Grow-- CFL 12-12 from Seed

    still no updates... there is wayy too many ppl. waiting in here to see the end result ;)
  7. GermanBeachBum

    First Time CFL Closet Grow

    Hey there fellow Growers this is my very first Grow and i decided to start with CFL since it seems quite convenient for my purpose. Lets get straight to the point I have a little stealth Closet grow with 2 plants growing under 2 42 watt cfls. i planted the Seedlings at 9/30/09. They have been...
  8. GermanBeachBum

    Bong cleaning

    I have stuck my bong in the dishwasher before and it worked very well and the dishes did not smell after that. So if you're to lazy you can stick it in the dishwasher ^^