First Time CFL Closet Grow


Active Member
Hey there fellow Growers this is my very first Grow and i decided to start with CFL since it seems quite convenient for my purpose.
Lets get straight to the point I have a little stealth Closet grow with 2 plants growing under 2 42 watt cfls. i planted the Seedlings at 9/30/09.
They have been vegging for just about 2 weeks now under 24/0 lighting. I plan on switching to 18/6 in a week or two, just depending on how much they have grown.
I am very new to this and would very much appreciate any pointers or advice from fellow growers ;)



Active Member
hey the plants are looking good. One thing i would have them both in one container although there spread far apart eventually their roots will meet and become knotted up. those 42 watts are good bulbs althought they look like soft white bulb. did you get those from walmart the one thats in a green box with red on it. If so that bulb would be better for flowering. For vegging you would wanna use some 6500k and or 5500k. Although using that 42watt 2700k bulb with some 6500k would be even better. The more light the better. 6500k bulbs are labels daylight and 2700k are labeled soft white.


Active Member
thanks my man.. yea i have been kinda thinking about putting them in seperate containers.. and yes those bulbs are from wally world. i am gettin another light fixture either today or tomorrow and i will def. be gettin the 6500k bulb now that you mentioned it ;). and about the lighting cycle.. i have read on here somewhere that 24/0 isnt all that great for the plant casue it somehow interferes with the root growth. Is that true?


Active Member
i run 18/6 i believe that the roots grow a lot during dark hours and provides more of a natural environment i mean its not 24 hours of daylight outside. but yea i would recommend changing to 18/6 in a week or so.


Active Member
Thanks.. i hope it will turn out good by Christmas time so i can have a lil bud to toke ;) It's been kinda dry where i live had a hard time gettin any decent greenery lately.. i thought that was kinda crazy cause where im orignially from you never had any prob. gettin' some herb so i decided enough of this madness im supplying myself! haha


Active Member
i run 18/6 i believe that the roots grow a lot during dark hours and provides more of a natural environment i mean its not 24 hours of daylight outside. but yea i would recommend changing to 18/6 in a week or so.
i agree. i had my plant at first on a 24/0 cycle but after reading so much negative talk about the 24/0 cycle i switched it to 18/6.

For your veg phase, if you could go to walmart and get the 6500K bulbs that would be optimum. And during veg if you could keep a 2:1 ratio for 6500K bulbs vs. 2700K bulbs that would be best too. Look for some y-splitters for your lights so you can add another bulb for each fixture. you may need to take the cover off of the lamp so both bulbs fit, but this way youd be doubling your lights. When you switch your plants to their flowering phase(i.e. 12/12 lights), you will want the ratio for your lights to be 2:1 again, but instead there should be twice as many 2700K bulbs.

hope this helps, good luck with your grow.


Active Member
Oh i will def. keep this thread updated.. and i really appreciate all the help im gettin from you ppl.. thanks so much y'all helping me out quite alot!