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  1. thuglife0711

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    can somebody please pm a legit online vendor for 2c-e. i tried it for my first time yesterday and my roomate and I really enjoyed it. any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. thuglife0711

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    i once grew 2 thc bombs and got 4 oz of each under a t5 and one 150w hps. how well do you think this plant would do in a scrog or vscrog senario? i am planning on scrogging this summer with a friends and we are looking to yield between 5-7 lbs. what ph are your plants stabalized at and also...
  3. thuglife0711


    your only 8 days in and want to clone? as you probably know by now bad idea....but thats just one of many: you shouldnt really be feeding them that much if theyre only 8 days old and immiediatly stop using miracle grow i have the kit you have and it works good for beginners. as soon as you snip...
  4. thuglife0711

    400 Watts HPS...THC BOMB...First Grow

    so no new updates? im about to harvest two lowryder 2s in 5 days and then i have a 9 week old thc bomb ive been vegging that i will switch to flowering the day i harvest. are yours big? have you started flowering yet?
  5. thuglife0711

    lowryder #2 flowering help

    how and what would i tie them to? do they look healthy? i thought so but then again this is my first grow so im a nube lol
  6. thuglife0711

    lowryder #2 flowering help

    hey guys i have 2 lowryders and 2 thc bombs growing in a couple aerogardens. i also have two clones from previous thc bombs growing in a little device (small plastic box with two air stones). my lights are the 3 cfls that came with my aerogarden, 25w t5, and 2 4ft 40 watt cfls. it seems the...
  7. thuglife0711

    Lowryder #2 spots yellowing

    i flushed them for 5 days in plain water and this morning i sprayed with>1 ml/g of superthrive and transplanted them back into my other ag where i have quarter strength nutes. pics soon as i get my usb cable
  8. thuglife0711

    Lowryder #2 spots yellowing

    i add dry acid to drop it to around 5.8-6. i just bought some superthrive and im contemplating using it to help the recovery in a couple days any thoughts? i was going to use 1/2 ml/gallon in a spray bottle
  9. thuglife0711

    Lowryder #2 spots yellowing

    you think so? so i just need to flush it and dilute the nutes a bit? she was growing like a weed and then disaster struck. lol that explains a lot so when should i go to full strength?
  10. thuglife0711

    Lowryder #2 spots yellowing

    i meant lowryder#2 by the way
  11. thuglife0711

    Lowryder #2 spots yellowing

    i have a diesel strain in an aerogarden 6 elite pro.using b.c. boost, grow,magical,thrive alive red and sugar daddy. i was informed that these were better than fox farm by the guy who worked at the hydroponic store. im on day 19 now with 20/4 light schedule and about 5-6 days ago two of the...
  12. thuglife0711

    Stealth Hydro Lowryder 2 1st

    good looking setup, be sure and tell us how the smoke is i have 2 lowryder #2s and 2 thc bombs all 18 days growing in a pair of aerogardens. noone really had any thc bomb guides or reviews so i feel like a pioneer lol but your plants make me excited for my crop
  13. thuglife0711

    aerogarden tips

    there are small brown spots forming around the tips of the two top canopy leaves and are on a bottom pair as well there is only about 6 spots total and arent that big...ive read any where from P to K deficiencies so please help me i wish i had pictures i guess i have to break down and go to best...
  14. thuglife0711

    aerogarden tips

    anyone have any suggestions?
  15. thuglife0711

    aerogarden tips

    is it ok to run the diesel 24/0 until flowering? ive heard its ok to run lowryder 24/0 since its autoflowering but i dont want to hurt my babies. it seems there is a lot of debate but any advice would be awesome. also what setting should i run them on in the ag? i have it on 24 hours light...
  16. thuglife0711

    aerogarden tips

    lol and my new t5 flourescents are in....its like christmas!
  17. thuglife0711

    aerogarden tips

    hey guys sorry again its been so long but my little diesel girl is almost five inches with 2 canopy leaves about 2.5 inches long and smaller ones coming in. i still cant find my usb for my camera! BUTTTT i got my new aerogarden...the aerogarden 6 elite pro lol top of the line and i also have my...
  18. thuglife0711

    aerogarden tips

    i did alot of research and heard good things about the lowryder #2 in the ag. i ordered seeds online and they should get here any day so ill let you know in the future how it works out
  19. thuglife0711

    aerogarden tips

    hey guys, my little plant is now 3 inches and has two well established leaves and two more coming! i have pictures i just need to find my usb cable so you guys can see
  20. thuglife0711

    aerogarden tips

    i just checked the seedling and the root doesnt seem to be growing down into the medium provided by the aerogarden. the roots have almost developed a leaf but its kinda wilted. its almost to the top of the plastic lid but the root is completely exposed what should i do? im assuming the lights...