aerogarden tips


Well-Known Member
you say "dont have all the facts" i say misleading till you explain that you added more light, shall we call it even?
OK.. I'll agree...

thanks for the help man, dont worry about people calling you liars and what not you obviously know your shit so no worries. hopefully you stick around and guide me in the future
Oh... I'm not worried at all... I am sitting here smoking my dank.. happy as clam at high tide...:bigjoint:

well there was no actual calling liar if you read the thread, i made a call saying no way and i was correct as it turns out.
You did ask who I was trying to fool...

Isn't that saying i am lying...?

Anotherchance... I have nothing to prove... I just thought I'd share...

If I can ever be of help, that is why I am here... to learn and share...

Whether I added lights, or grew the plants upside down is beside the point... I just wanted to show you guys the buds I grew...

and to be honest, have you seen any harvests out of the AG without extra lights? everyone I know that had a harvest added lights...


sorry about the commotion... it's just that I am not here to fool anyone...




New Member
i have never tried to grow in an AG and im new to this site so please forgive me if i have offended. i have always referred to the AG as a Chia Pet


Active Member
ok guys, my seeds are not germinating! i know how to do it and ive done it in the past but none are cracking and its worrying me...luckily though my lowryder #2 seeds will be here soon


Well-Known Member
i have never tried to grow in an AG and im new to this site so please forgive me if i have offended. i have always referred to the AG as a Chia Pet
No worries bro... not at all.... no offense... no stress... I'll spark this bowl for you man....

and you know what ??? you are right... they are like a chia pet....

They are just short of uselesss.... I just got lucky man.... this is my first indoor grow too... outdoors for years, but hydro... this is my cherry being popped... lol....

Most people wouldn't get the results I got.... ALL of my buddies couldn't believe it.... but I guess that is just what happens when you flower 3" clones... the buds are bigger than the plants.... hahahahaha....

No sweat bro.... let's just toke and learn and share our wonderful experiences with one another....

Take care .. my brother from another mother.....;-)

ok guys, my seeds are not germinating! i know how to do it and ive done it in the past but none are cracking and its worrying me...luckily though my lowryder #2 seeds will be here soon
Uh... are they warm? do they have the moisture they need? are you just sitting there watching to see if they crack.... I can picture you there for days straight... staring at the

I'm just joking... be patient.. and remember not all seeds are viable...

Best of luck to you guys...

Catch you later...



Active Member
hahaha yeah thats just short of the truth but one seed finally sprouted a root after the bulb to the heating lamp burned out....but i had one in two damp paper towels, in between two styrofoam flates and covered with two towels and a lamp about 6 inches away keeping it humid and warm. the othe was in the aerogarden under more towels and 8 inches from heat source. then last night the light burnt out and now the ag seed sprouted...oh well lucky me i guess


Well-Known Member
Cool Man...!!!

That's awesome...

I am waiting on some seeds to crack too... 24 hrs and so far nothing...

I also am trying a new cloning technique...

I got on of those Garden Starter Trays for the AG...

It has 72 sites and uses some sort of "Bio Cell"... a kind of biodegradable foam product...

A few of the clones are perky and look like they are gonna make it, but some are still wilted...

Here is a few shots of the set up...




Active Member
looking good man! whats the best way to measure your nutes? i want to get something that measures e.c.,ph and temp and is not too expensive...i'm a broke college kid by the way (hence the home grow lol)


Well-Known Member
looking good man! whats the best way to measure your nutes? i want to get something that measures e.c.,ph and temp and is not too expensive...i'm a broke college kid by the way (hence the home grow lol)
You need a PPM (parts per million meter)... I would go with Hanna's Growcheck... PH and PPM in one unit, continuous monitoring, under $150... check on line or at you hydro shop...

Without a PPM, you are guessing...


im sure the aerogarden folks would love to see your pics if they havent yet
Hahaha.. I am not sure... I wonder if they have... too bad they can't use them for marketing lol.....


Active Member
i just checked the seedling and the root doesnt seem to be growing down into the medium provided by the aerogarden. the roots have almost developed a leaf but its kinda wilted. its almost to the top of the plastic lid but the root is completely exposed what should i do? im assuming the lights should come on soon but i dont want to too early...but the seed has been shed ill try and post some pics


Well-Known Member
If the root is growing up, you need to help it find down...

Sometimes splitting the foam thing almost into two pieces help guide the root down...

Show us a pic when you can....


Active Member
The sponges in my aerogarden are getting a little green. Is this ok? do i have to worry about mold or anythign like that?


Well-Known Member
The sponges in my aerogarden are getting a little green. Is this ok? do i have to worry about mold or anythign like that?
Yeah it's a bit of a thing that you don't want... algae form because there is light...

did you remove the paper labels from the "hoppers"?

If so, put it back... it won't kill your plant or anything, but it can lead to problems with mold and stem rot...

Also, have your roots reached the water?

I they are well in the water, turning the water pump on the AG off (unplug it) will help by allowing the sponge to dry...


Hope this helps....



Well-Known Member
How about this for roots guys...?

This is a bagseed that turned into a beautiful female indica...

Funny how things work... I had topped her 4 times, without knowing sex...

And the day that I do find out she's a she... I was able to take 12 cuttings from her...

Not bad eh?!




Active Member
hey guys, my little plant is now 3 inches and has two well established leaves and two more coming! i have pictures i just need to find my usb cable so you guys can see


Well-Known Member
neat..this is what i am trying to it does work!!!!! what is the best plant to grow in the AG? Lowryder?


Active Member
i did alot of research and heard good things about the lowryder #2 in the ag. i ordered seeds online and they should get here any day so ill let you know in the future how it works out