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  1. E

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    on a raft in the middle of the lake in the summer with sum brews :bigjoint:
  2. E

    Legal buds?

    okay, ive never personally toked, bought or seen "legal buds" just wooondering if anyone out there has and how twas it??
  3. E

    Omigod! my bong is broken... sorta

    bump... i wanna smoke outta me zong help :'(
  4. E

    Attiude is bad dont buy

    ive had good biz with attiude, got 5 strawberry blues with 4 thai stick, and got some blue cheez about 8 days ago (took about 11 days to get 2 me cuz im in alaska)
  5. E

    Omigod! my bong is broken... sorta

    okay so im taking a hit.... (only part that goes right...) Iz a good hit and i go to put the stem back in the mother peice and i hear this ever-so faint "crack!!!" and i take a peak and see 2 large cracks on both sides... im cheap so i wrap some duct tape 'round it. take a few more hits and the...
  6. E

    inducing stress

    k, im harvesting my babys in stages since i didnt have 'nuff light on the bottom buds... but there gradually filling in though. ive grown males b4 and know the difference around the nodes. the plants have been flowering for well.. about 11 weeks now and ive been cutting the buds that are done...
  7. E

    climate effects drying?

    oh yea, when i put em in the bag should i trim the stem there hanging from off??
  8. E

    climate effects drying?

    good idea thanks, how long is needed to keep the buds hang upside down for? is it extremely dire to keep em right side down up for a lengthy time lol?
  9. E

    climate effects drying?

    like what could i do? put a humidifier in there or ive read fresh parsley or orange peels and such help bring moisture. i dunno, i just smoked a peice of the strawberry blue i dried for a day and half, smoked good and got me buzzing. the stem was crisp and sorta bent and semi cracks but still...
  10. E

    climate effects drying?

    i live in alaska and its winter with make it insanly dry outside, would that quicken the process? before ive dried for about 2 1/2-3 days and cured for about week and half and my bud is smoking pretty fast now.. about 6-8 hits a bowl (bong) should i try shortening the drying period and...
  11. E

    trying 2 cook with out weed but im stoned...

    can you rinse the sauce previously cooked chicken and recook it with another sauce and such?? @_@
  12. E

    Flood projector blulbs!

    read me >_<
  13. E

    Flood projector blulbs!

    okay, im cheap and ive been using a mixture of fluors witha heat lamp... its pretty efficent for a first time grow.(need to get a side light and mylar im told) i came across a flood projector bulb and did some research on the kelvins, lumens, watts and such... flood bulb watts-150w kelvins-...
  14. E

    bottom isnt done

    thanks for the tips.... the stawberry blue strain came out nice, decent sized colas... really heavy "high" and so sticky you could use it as flypaper or some weird weed tape. drying i think is going by a bit faster since the climate i live in (alaska) and its the winter so its dryer then EVER...
  15. E

    bottom isnt done

    thank for they quick reply rep+ (^_^)-b
  16. E

    bottom isnt done

    the top of my plants (stawberry blue) i've already harvested for they were ready, but the lower part of plant is still growing small dainty looking buds. they still look good quality but will they ever fully mature in time? .... is it possibly to lack of light from side? i have a heat lamp and 2...