Omigod! my bong is broken... sorta


Active Member
okay so im taking a hit.... (only part that goes right...) Iz a good hit and i go to put the stem back in the mother peice and i hear this ever-so faint "crack!!!" and i take a peak and see 2 large cracks on both sides... im cheap so i wrap some duct tape 'round it. take a few more hits and the damn thing falls off.

ive never had a mother peice break, always stems and the bong itself.

i got another bong with about the same size peice to it.

how do i take the mother peice out? just yank it out or? it has a sorta rubber tubbing around to be airtight and its folding over.

sorry if dis is sorta jumbled an Weeetarded just usally never break my stuff cept pipes cuz the SUCK.. burns my throat and g/fs .. her way or highway slap in the face ._. bongsmilie