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  1. spies420

    Pineapple Express

    I ordered from Attitude to my house and they came in about a week, maybe even 6 days. (I can't really remember exactly but I know I was very impressed.) Had no problems at all. I didn't do the stealth order with the shirt either. oh and I'm in the states.
  2. spies420

    my hot grow room

    Quote: Originally Posted by fat sam yeah thats to hot, and yes it will slow the growth quite a bit, right around 78 is best and it is said that growth slows at 85 dramaticly, if i were you i would add some vent fans or air cool your light if its not already, another way is to run your lights...
  3. spies420

    freshly harvested w/o cure..curing q's

    Damn!! Would have been nice to just sit in front of that fire for a while.
  4. spies420

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    So I'm in need of some advice. I am 30 days into flowering, using the stealth hydro setup. My babies grew a lot taller than expected and now they are starting to topple over. My question is, what should I do? haha. I have tried to tie them up and that is helping a little bit but is it too late...
  5. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    Alright so it's been a few days since I've been able to get on here. My internet was down..I was swamped. Anyway... The girls are looking good. A cold front has come through so outside, its been pretty cold which has cause my room to stay in the high 70's. Awesome! Humidity is still in the...
  6. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    Wow great tips Roseman...Thank you!!
  7. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    So it's been a few days since I've updated. Anyways, yesterday, I changed out all the water and added new water with 1/2 nutes. Looks like the girls suffered a little bit with a few yellowing leaves. I think it may be due to the water temp since the room was getting pretty hot for a while. Temp...
  8. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    yes the tubes are butted up to the rockwool. And on my two good plants, the roots are looking great and are both in the water. Ill have to do a lil investigation and see whats up
  9. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    Thank you Roseman. And I've never heard about rotating the light. Should I just move my entire bucket? Also, with the runt, I have seen no roots come through the bottom yet. Also the rockwool was really dry so I pulled up a little water from the resevoir and poured a lil on the rockwool. Hope...
  10. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    So here are a few pics of the plants that are growing sideways.
  11. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    yea ill go take one
  12. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    so it looks like 2 of my plants are starting to grow sideways and not up. What could be the cause of this? Too much air movement in the room or is the light too close?
  13. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    Ok well I will keep an eye on the temp. It looks like its back down to about 82. As long as I can keep it there, I think it will be good. If not, I'll grab some CFLs to veg with. On another note, sadly, it looks like I have a runt. The two girls in the front are looking great but the one in the...
  14. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    Alright so I moved the light down to about 15 inches. My temp gauge that I have on top of my tub shot up to about 95 degrees. I have ice water in my humidifier and fans blowing cold air in but I'm not sure what to do. The only thought that I have is maybe dry ice. No idea if this would give off...
  15. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    Bluey, I noticed in your journal that you said you had a problem with putting a fan on the seedlings. Should I remove the fan that is blowing on them now? What kind of problems did you have?
  16. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    Alright so taking pics in my room is extremely hard. The HPS light makes my camera freak out. So I appologize for the bad pics. Anyway, the girls are looking good. Looks like I will only be having 3 plants, the other 3 still havent sprouted. Temp in my room has been high ever since I added...
  17. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    Thanks guys. So with my grow room, I am not able to really drill into it or instal anything into the walls. Since I added the mylar the temp has raised to about 82 or 83. I am going to get another fan today but im not sure what else I can do to cool it down. It's also hard to keep the humidity...
  18. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    2 of the girls are looking great. Looks like they have a real long root dipping into the water already. Another girl sprouted a day or 2 ago. As of today, I added mylar in my entire room to save a little light that was being lost. I also added mylar on the top of the tub. Is this a bad idea...
  19. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    Thanks Roseman. So it looks like another girl is starting to sprout. She popped her head out of the rockwool and I removed the cover to let her get some light. Pics will be coming soon. Not sure if you saw my post in the other thread but I was wondering about nutes. Since I dont have the SH...
  20. spies420

    First Grow-SH hydro, 400W HPS, G13 Diesel

    So it's day 2 since I turned the lights on. The 2 girls that have sprouted are looking great. Still nothing from the 4 others. I covered the rockwool so that the seed was not getting any of the light. I just added a temp/humidity reader so once it's in there a while, ill be able to get the...