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  1. B4K3Dgrower

    first grow *pics*

    kk keep doing hwta ur doing but work on getting those lights :) it will help alot!
  2. B4K3Dgrower

    first grow *pics*

    they look good but u should bring ur light alot closer so that they dont keep getting as tall what lights are u useing??
  3. B4K3Dgrower

    Salvia tips please, if you have any?

    yea trust me on this i have done evy type of salvia out there ^ i have even grown my own so i know so much about it
  4. B4K3Dgrower

    Salvia tips please, if you have any?

    for salvia the best thing to use is a metal pipe and any flame works but when u take tokes off it u got to keep it lit the whole time and keep it in as long as u can dont use a bong salvia tasts like shit from a bong or pisser it works best anyway from a metal pipe hope this all helps
  5. B4K3Dgrower

    What watt Hps light should i get???

    yeah i have really good ventilation im using the old shit i had from when i used to grow (the pic) that was like 2 years ago but i still have all the fans and carbon filter and stuff so yea i will post picx soon
  6. B4K3Dgrower

    What watt Hps light should i get???

    what watt Hps light should i get for a 2.5' by 3.5' grow closet? bongsmilie i use a 1000 watt Hps for my bigger 4'by4' but i have no clue would a 400 watt work fine?
  7. B4K3Dgrower

    Who Remembers These???

    thats amazing i know he would find a way to support weed!!!
  8. B4K3Dgrower

    need help with a grow closet or cage

    fluoresents dont really heat up that much but if heat is a problem make sure u have a good input/output fans
  9. B4K3Dgrower

    how much weed do you smoke each day

    i mean i went throught it in like 2 hours but then i desided to save some for later bongsmilie
  10. B4K3Dgrower

    how much weed do you smoke each day

    normally i have 6- 10grams a day but 420 3 years ago i went through an 2 ounces i have no clue how i did it but i did it was crazy man
  11. B4K3Dgrower

    Gravity Bong 2

    wtf!?!? thats not a fucking gravity bong thats a bucket a gravity bong u: -put a hole in the bottom of a bottle -then make a bowl out of the cap -put ur finger over the hole -fill with water -put the bowl on -light weed -let the water leave from the bottom -when almost empty cover hole...
  12. B4K3Dgrower

    need help with a grow closet or cage

    you can put ur fluoresents at like 2-5 inches away and it will get maximum light and wont burn at all