first grow *pics*


Well-Known Member
this plant is 5 weeks old

this plant is 3.5 weeks old

how do they look? besides being a bit tall....


Active Member
they look good but u should bring ur light alot closer so that they dont keep getting as tall
what lights are u useing??


Well-Known Member
Im waiting til my paycheck and Im going to go get a hps or a lot more cfls

right now I have 150 watt cfl and another 130 watt gro bulbs. I'd move them closer but the gro bulbs produce too much heat. Im trying to replace them

The cfl is about 3-4" from it
the gro bulbs are about 8-10" away


Well-Known Member
Yeah I figured it would.
I'd like to have a total of either:

One 400 hps light and two 100 watt cfls

Or about 6 100 watt cfls

Im growing in a closet, not sure if hps would get too hot or whatnot


Well-Known Member
If two CFL's is too hot for your closet don't even bother trying the 400 watt HPS unless you get your ventilation situated. Good luck

Tom :joint: