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  1. smokeysmokey9

    bug problem?

    same thing with me..fine last night and now my plant is chewed on and bent
  2. smokeysmokey9

    NEED HELP FAST,banans in my buds

    i agree with downonwax -happy 420
  3. smokeysmokey9

    CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

    what was your yield from the grow!?
  4. smokeysmokey9

    CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

    going outdoors with it?
  5. smokeysmokey9

    when will this be done

    okay thanks. in that case il probably be forcing them to flower earlier by moving the plant out of the sun for 12 hours a day haha.
  6. smokeysmokey9

    when will this be done

    im growing a bunch of plants outdoors. planted around april 10th. when can i guess they would be ready to go? i know this cant be exact, but just an estimate would be nice.:mrgreen:
  7. smokeysmokey9

    Smoking Stories!

    do whatever you got to do to save that ganj. haha nicebongsmilie
  8. smokeysmokey9

    CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

    yo penny. i havent come on in a while. nice buds!!! huge change
  9. smokeysmokey9

    planting seeds directly outside?

    well in my area, aplril 1 - june 30 usually does the trick but it really depends on where you live
  10. smokeysmokey9

    i tried out the new piece. hits like a cannon hahaha

    i tried out the new piece. hits like a cannon hahaha
  11. smokeysmokey9

    How To Make The Ultimate Joint (The Holy Cross)

    hahah hell yeah daniel. whatuuup
  12. smokeysmokey9


    just seems like theres a high chance of them getting bacteria on them. and knowing me i wouldnt even notice and eat them up. and be tripping and puking my guts out.
  13. smokeysmokey9

    Female plant almost donenow showing male glands on top of buds

    lost you seem to be smart enough to answer myquestion my class schedule and things like that dont allow me to get exactly 12/12 so will this be ok if its about half an hour off? and would it be better to have extra dark time or extra light time?
  14. smokeysmokey9

    CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

    no i would but i have no cable to connect my camera to it would be kind of pointless. ill tell you how its doing every few days. hopefully ill see some improvement
  15. smokeysmokey9


    shrooms are the best lol. tough to find in my area but once in a while i get lucky:]
  16. smokeysmokey9

    CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

    will the plant heal completely?
  17. smokeysmokey9


    what the heck is 6,7,8??!
  18. smokeysmokey9

    CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

    hey so i thought youd be the right person to ask this. i started 12/12 two days ago and the leaves are sagging a lot. the bottom leaves are turning yellow. the dirt was very dry for the top inch or two so i watered it. could the water shortage been the cause of the leaves? or does that happen...
  19. smokeysmokey9

    help me out

    ive lost the cord that connects the camera to the computer
  20. smokeysmokey9

    help me out

    bongsmiliemy bottom leaves are turning yelllow on the tips. i was thinking of flowering soon. would this be a good time to start