Smoking Stories!


Well-Known Member
all theese cop stories remind me of one..
back in the day me and my friends used to smoke right under this gazebo iin the middle of his neighbor hood untill one day this weird biker guy says i know youve been puffing doobies (yes he actually said that) so we decided it was to hot to smoke there n find a new spot... we went into theese woods near a pond and after a few times blaze there everyday for a while. then one day me n my friend are just chillin hittin a bowl when we hear sumone coming.. we freeze for a second n he says should we run? and then we hear HEY buddy come over here! n me n my friend DART the oppiste way, after we sprint about half a mile theres a fence n me n my friend run and grab it n throw our selves over... we were to smacked to see it was a BARBED WIRE FENCE we got huge cuts all over our hands n legs n it hurt like a motherfucker... but i didnt get caught and got to keep my weed

do whatever you got to do to save that ganj. haha

Dank Hill

Well-Known Member
first time i ever got high.. it was the summer going into highschool and i was skating home when a car pulled up behind me. it was one of my friends with a couple older highschool kids.. i wanted to feel cool hanging out with upper classmen, so i got in. they asked me if i wanted to smoke some weed out in the country on a gravel road.. i thought why not. i aint got shit to do all summer.. they break out a fat joint. thing got passed to me so many times, and it didnt take too long before it started kicking in. after a couple hours they drop my off at home. i come in eyes red as the devils dick. some how i avoid my eye contact with my parents. then i poured a fat bowl of cereal, but instead of using milk i poured orange juice.. my dad walks in on me and said "your fucking high arent you?" :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
One time I was so blazed so I wanted something to eat. I then remembered how good Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins were.
So I looked up on the internet and started making the batter. I was taking small bites of the dough. I sat at my computer for
at least an hour watching a movie all the while eating the muffin batter in small bites. Finally I look around and am like 'Oh shit
the house is going to be on fire I didn't turn the fucking oven off' so I run out to the kitchen and look at the stove and see that
it's not even on, then I look at the bowl in my hands and notice that there wasn't any batter left :dunce:
OMG How many times have i had a panic attack about the oven and it wasnt even on anymore... !!!!!!!! DAMN Gets ya hart racing majorly.


We used to chill next to the skatepark and smoke our weed, well it was basicly the beginning years of smoking weed, you know where u get so high u could just fucking die... ^^

anyways, we roll up a huge spliff, start smoking it and ahhh.. this story sucks..

forget it.



Well-Known Member
My first time we blazed out of a bong my homies had made out of a 20oz Gatorade bottle. Had a screen on the top and a straw at the bottom... We were blazed as fuck off some dirt! lol

Other notable times were:

One weekend me and 2 of my budds went up to a trailer they had at a campground and blazed a QP in a weekend. Talk about wasted lol... We had a case of forties and a 55 box of dutch masters...what a camping trip! lol

Most recent time i can remember is when i blazed the last of the hydro blueberry i had back in july. Rolled up a 2 gram blunt and chilled with 2 of my bros. I dont remember much but i do know we had a sweet ass time haha.

..but those days have come and gone. Now im ok with hitting the bowl a few times, and being perfectly high ;)


Well-Known Member
I wanted to add a bad smoking story as well...

Me and my 2 budds (one is a big pot dealer) go out riding the trails around the area. I had my racing YZ125 and they had a raptor 700 and a kawasaki 450 quad. Well everything was going well, we were blazing every 30 mins or whenever we got thirsty, but then i started to kick into "race mode" (i used to race motorcross). I started to really open it up on these tight trails and started to pull away from everyone, so i slow down for them to catch up then we eventually come to a strait trail and I open her up, i starting riding wheelies past them and hit 4th maxed out. Next thing i know some ASSHOLE had cut trees down in the trail and i cant slow down. So i stabilize myself over the first tree, but the second one gets me. I crush my pipe and egg my front rim i hit this bitch so hard. On top of that i land right infront of a tree with branches sticking out that basically were right in front of my face. I almost had a tree limb go through me head, but luckily stopped myself right before it. ..i had to walk my bike out, which took like a hour, while i was getting ate up by bugs etc..

I lucked out, but i cant really blame it on the weed. I blame the ass that put the tree in my path :cuss:


New Member
I was in tenth grade 4 years back and somebody snitched on me for havin a quarter of some pretty fuckin dank, so i was like shit then the cops came and i dipped to the bathroom and swallowed it real fast it wasnt wrapped or nuthin just sittin in my lil pocket, so i shoved it all in my mouth and thinkin what a waste, plus im fucked, then got me some water right as the cops ran into the bathroom, but it was gone....35 minutes later im in tha principals office with 3 cops hovering over me and they searched adn searched me and the bathroom and i glanced up and noticed that i was baked....and they new it to, and one cop said i know you ate it son, jsut tell us and you will be ok...and another was like if you did eat it, you know its poisonous right? And i was like whatever, and they jsut suspended me for 2 days for runnin at first and for back talking the principal! Good times! Infact im lighting up a doobie as we speak! Smoke on!!!

dat nigga smoke

New Member
here gose 1 dat happened yesterday i thot it wuz friday to well newayz yea so i "4get" 2 go 2 school n i woke up round 2 n i remberd i still had sum bud last nite so i go n look for it n as i go wat do i find a mother fuckin my mother fuckin stepdads chiuaua eatin my shit so i chase da lil fuckers round da hole house wif my dub sac in its mouth n finnaly wen i did get it i couldnt smoke cuz i aint even have anythin 2 smoke out of so it wuz a weed less day well at least till school got out


Well-Known Member
here gose 1 dat happened yesterday i thot it wuz friday to well newayz yea so i "4get" 2 go 2 school n i woke up round 2 n i remberd i still had sum bud last nite so i go n look for it n as i go wat do i find a mother fuckin my mother fuckin stepdads chiuaua eatin my shit so i chase da lil fuckers round da hole house wif my dub sac in its mouth n finnaly wen i did get it i couldnt smoke cuz i aint even have anythin 2 smoke out of so it wuz a weed less day well at least till school got out
Why do you never have anything to smoke out of. Just buy a pipe


Well-Known Member
Looking back, I realize how stupid I was.
When I was 13 or 14, I took a couple grams of some Dank to school.
I was so peer pressured man, I hit a pipe in spanish class. As the teacher turned around, I just hit it. I did it a couple times.
I remember all the girls covered their mouths. It reeked man, but the teacher didn't notice. Eventually class ended, I was so scarred I was gonna get busted.

Luckily I didn't.


Well-Known Member
Last summer, I spent quite a bit of time with my best friends and a bong out on my buddy's deck. Nothing beats sitting around on a summer evening, continuously packing/passing around a nice bong and watching the stars come out. One time, we decided that we needed to build a bonfire. The guys fiddled around trying to get the thing lit, but after an hour of disappointment I stepped in and got it going. That night was just full of laughter and fun and marshmallow bombs (ie: lighting marshmallows on fire and throwing them at people). I can't wait for summer to kick in so we can have more nights like that...


Active Member
da first time i got high was wen i was in da 9th grade with two of mi friends. they had dis spot behind they house that was close to a walking path. so we started smoking and lke 10 mins later everything was moving sort of and and felt as though i was in 3d comic book u know what im talkin bout. well we sitting on a log and it took me like 30 secs jus to light da bowl up and my friends was like pass da shit and i was like fuck u. well these people who was walking by this clearing and saw us and all i remember was running. the next thing u knew i was up da street and forgot y i was running. so like 20 mins later mi friends found me and was like wat the fuck. so we get back to the house and i look at my eyes it scared da shit out me and i jus stood there like kinda stuck for bout 5 mins like wtf den i played the mario kart on da 64 i think


Well-Known Member
Ok ok

i got one

one time i smoked some weed...

And then....

And then....

Wait it gets better...


I got high!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
well let's see..
the first time i got stoned was about 2 yrs ago when i was 16.
we smoked the bud out of a pen cap with tin foil insulation so we didn't burn the platic.

it wasn't the best apparatus but that shit worked.

i ended up showing my meat to some girl.
idk dude i was retardedly stoned. hahaha


Well-Known Member
well let's see..
the first time i got stoned was about 2 yrs ago when i was 16.
we smoked the bud out of a pen cap with tin foil insulation so we didn't burn the platic.

it wasn't the best apparatus but that shit worked.

i ended up showing my meat to some girl.
idk dude i was retardedly stoned. hahaha
Eww, smoking out of a pen is dirty :p.
You'll still get some nasty ass smoke from the plastic even with tin foil.
best time i got high was when me and a mate and my dealer we went to a park near my highschool. this was about 3-4 years back when i was in year 10. so yea we got to the park we waited for the dealer to arrive. he told us to follow him so we did and he took us to a massive ass bush were there were crates and stuff to sit on. i got my bag pulled out my bottle bong, thumb packed the cone (australian version of bowl) i bought a 50 bag and my mate bought a 30 bag and since my dealer was generous he shouted us 20's each.Mad kunt :) . so i sat there smoking my cone thinkin this is sum good shit then about 1 hour later which felt like 3-4 hours after we were done smoking we all went to subway but on the way there we were in an open carpark i vomited and passed out. 2 mins later i jumped up and started running towards a busy road with cars driving and shit. then my frend shouted me to stop and as soon as he said stop my body just froze LOL. we then went to subway and all baught like footlongs 6 cookies and large drinks. after we ate my frend said i cud crash at his place coz i was way to fucked to go home even to my parents were out of state. haha i also stole a little mix bag of weed and tobacco and smoked the rest of the shit at my mates house while his parents were at work :) its good to have frends with big backyards and weed :)


Well-Known Member
Just got back from ob, had about an hour long Iolite Sesh with some friends, watched a sea lion fish. Was def a chill night.