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  1. S

    Red 3

    Right back at ya!...Have a great day folks:leaf:
  2. S

    Red 3

    Did an internet search on irradiated food products and its used quite extensively all over the world in 50 countries...does not make food radioactive...So to answer your question whether or not I would smoke irradiated weed... I definitely would. Never been too worried about pesticides...
  3. S

    Red 3

    Does irradiated cannabis have differing effects? I use my microwave...nuke the mystery meat on a daily
  4. S

    Canada - Weed Legal In 5 Years: Kash Heed's Take On Marijuana

    And if you think the LP's prices are high wait till your local cannabis retailer opens its doors.
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    Red 3

    I can tell you that this strain is very good for my bouts of insomnia and dealing with pain while sleeping..I don't stay up long enough to guage its stoner effects..Just puff puff pass for me
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    Red 3

    heavy eyelids...tingling as muscles relax...content... permasmile My thoughts on mettrums red 3
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    afternoon on OG

    better part of four hours...high was pretty imediate with a clear thought process and positive energy...i am quite happy with og...will try the purple candy tonight.
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    afternoon on OG

    picked up mettrum order today.pulled foil seal off bottle and both og and purple candy good nose...bud size good...bud dry. since it was two o'clock in the afternoon went with og kush...packed three quarters of a bowl in pipe...very smooth smoke...excellent flavour...and had me medicated for the
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    Street Bud No More

    I will let you know my thoughts on the meds...should be arriving any day
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    Street Bud No More

    A little sleepy is welcome news(red#3) as i do smoke to sleep most nights...chronic pain , for the orange 1...kind of a bummer cuz i was looking for a alert get up n do'er type of
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    Street Bud No More

    First post...long time smoker...awaiting first med order from lp Mettrum...It has been a bash fest here regarding anything related to the mmpr...for those lucky enpugh to have a des. grower or a lic to grow your own...great...i dont and will rely on my lp for my meds...been used to street bud...