Red 3


I can tell you that this strain is very good for my bouts of insomnia and dealing with pain while sleeping..I don't stay up long enough to guage its stoner effects..Just puff puff pass for me


Well-Known Member
does the bottle say don't use heavy machinery.... LOL... my god man please don't smoke then do anything! if that's how it affects ya..... good for you though something that helps
would ya use it if they irradiated it too?


Well-Known Member
Not sure, as I haven't read any study on it but no one from Health Canada or the LP's that do it seems to know any Health concerns from it... does that make it ok to do? I personally will side with the "if they don't know what the long term effects of it are, why do it or allow it in the first place" and don't think it would be helpful for me. It is gamma rays I believe not microwaves that irradiated MMJ is done with. I don't like mystery meat either and try not to consume it, not a health freak by anymeans but..... something they can ground up so ya don't have any clue what it could be ... yuk meat by products and or.... can't be good for ya LOL

mind you I guess ppl with compromised immune systems supposedly have it done..... but have not heard of anyone on this forum or another that said they have to have it irradiated so they can use MMJ


Did an internet search on irradiated food products and its used quite extensively all over the world in 50 countries...does not make food radioactive...So to answer your question whether or not I would smoke irradiated weed... I definitely would. Never been too worried about pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, nuclear energy, the air we breathe etc...