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  1. bigtwist

    No magnifying glass. in budding

    Thanks nrt. I couldn't figure out where to get one locally. Now i know. Will be picking one up
  2. bigtwist

    No magnifying glass. in budding

    Ok. J Was Just
  3. bigtwist

    No magnifying glass. in budding

    I'm wondering if you guys can tell how much longer i should let it flower from these pics. All help is appreciated
  4. bigtwist

    Happy outdoor plant????

    I def. Will check out the bud worms. And will def. Keep everyone posted
  5. bigtwist

    Happy outdoor plant????

    So here's a new pic of the new growth.
  6. bigtwist

    Happy outdoor plant????

    Would it be safe to transplant her now that she's going into flowering?
  7. bigtwist

    Happy outdoor plant????

    I appreciate it. I had been doing it up to this point..not many just 2 or 3 and then i got the new yellow ones in the pic and thought I would ask if it was normal or not before I took them off. I'm gonna go take them off now cause ive had a smooth ride so far amd read all kinds of shit about...
  8. bigtwist

    Happy outdoor plant????

    Thanks bro. I never smoked my own stuff before. I CANT WAIT! Its been fun watching her come from seed to this point. I hope the ride for flowering will be just as smooth as it was to get it here so far. Thanks man.
  9. bigtwist

    Happy outdoor plant????

    ..I was wondering if this looks like a happy plant. It's my first grow ever and I've been reading all kinds of info. I tried fimming and got it right on the other plant that turned out male. Its just reg. Bag seed. Lmk what u think..........pic 2 is y I was wondering if it's healthy. Pic 3...
  10. bigtwist

    NOOB. FIM. Is this how u FIM?

    I'm thinking the same thing you guys are. I'm guessing your supposed to cut all the leaves off down to the very tips of the stem. I had left a little bit of leaf but barely any. Guess it wasn't enough. It's been 8 days since I cut it. Do you guys think it will be okay to cut again tonight...
  11. bigtwist

    NOOB. FIM. Is this how u FIM?

    So this is an update. It's been 8 days since FIM. What do you think now?I'm still not sure. It def. Got bushier though.
  12. bigtwist

    NOOB. FIM. Is this how u FIM?

    Ok. I'm gonna go cut them in half. Thanks guys
  13. bigtwist

    NOOB. FIM. Is this how u FIM?

    I just cut them last night. They haven't had much time to grow. U think they should be half that size?
  14. bigtwist

    NOOB. FIM. Is this how u FIM?

    Cool..thanks. Guess I'll wait and see.
  15. bigtwist

    NOOB. FIM. Is this how u FIM?

    Just wondering if this was how it is done?