No magnifying glass. in budding

how many weeks left in budding from these pics

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I'm wondering if you guys can tell how much longer i should let it flower from these pics. All help is appreciated
20140810_145757.jpg 20140810_145754.jpg 20140810_145743.jpg 20140810_145325.jpg 20140810_145501.jpg 20140810_145603.jpg 20140810_145633.jpg 20140810_145655.jpg 20140810_145714.jpg 20140810_145658.jpg 20140810_145757.jpg 20140810_145754.jpg 20140810_145743.jpg 20140810_145325.jpg 20140810_145501.jpg 20140810_145603.jpg 20140810_145633.jpg 20140810_145655.jpg 20140810_145714.jpg 20140810_145658.jpg 20140810_145757.jpg 20140810_145757.jpg 20140810_145754.jpg


All these pictures of the same top are pretty and all but might help to see more of the plant...looks like it's still got a while but go get a loup or magnifier really cheap and best way to tell. ..can't see trichs color with bare eye


radio shack sells a 60/100 x scope for 10.00 trichs are your best bet. Can't really tell by pics but if I had to guess I would say 2 more weeks.


Well-Known Member
I'd give em 3 weeks personally. Like everyone said get a loop. They're cheap. If i wasn't going to use one then i just wait for the pistils to recede and wait a week or so more. Most of the time i find the buds fatten up a bit then.


Well-Known Member
I'd give em 3 weeks personally. Like everyone said get a loop. They're cheap. If i wasn't going to use one then i just wait for the pistils to recede and wait a week or so more. Most of the time i find the buds fatten up a bit then.
i got a loupe off ebay £1.75 its got 3 mini leds and a uv note checker 100x , its pretty gangsta bro , gangsta i tell u!! Ain't no dude gonna give me a shady note,


Well-Known Member
If your pistuls are still white and thick looking, like they are in those photos, you've got more time to wait.

When you see the pistuls change colors to brown / orange, get thin and recede into the swollen calyxes, it's pretty much time to harvest.
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radio shack sells a 60/100 x scope for 10.00 trichs are your best bet. Can't really tell by pics but if I had to guess I would say 2 more weeks.
Thanks nrt. I couldn't figure out where to get one locally. Now i know. Will be picking one up


Well-Known Member
Well how long has this been in flower? Def got a minimum of 2 weeks left I would say but probably more. Get a loupe like everyone says...only way to really know when she is ready.