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    Mold on bud during growing

    My brother and I have been waiting for the right time to harvest our outdoor plant. We checked today and noticed some brownish moldy looking stuff on some parts of the bud, and those buds had become quite soft, We ended up chopping the plant, and removed any moldy looking buds. We made sure not...
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    Have my buds stopped maturing?

    It's going down to about 45 tonight. Says it will feel like 37 with windchill, I'm not sure which number the plants go by. No frosts yet that I know of. Will the buds just ripen super slow at these temperatures?
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    Have my buds stopped maturing?

    Think it would be best to just chop it tonight? Will the potency get any better if I leave it for a few more days if they've stopped maturing or will it just stay as is?
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    Have my buds stopped maturing?

    I have one plant outside right now, just waiting for it to finish up. I have pictures on another thread I made a few days ago. The hairs on the buds are quite red, but not quite 50% or more yet. The temperatures have been about 50F in the day. Do you guys think the buds would keep maturing in...
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    Are these ready for harvest?

    Checked again today and still can't notice much change, maybe a tiny bit. Anyone know whether the buds would still be maturing around 50F?
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    Are these ready for harvest?

    Thanks for the replies :bigjoint:. I checked the plants today and they look pretty much identical to two days ago. I couldn't notice any more redness to the hairs. Would the cold temperatures make the buds mature super slow? Or stop maturing altogether?
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    Are these ready for harvest?

    Didn't think about that. If it's going to be around 50F and pretty rainy for a few days, is that enough to worry about mold? There was a day or two of those temperatures a week or two ago. I hope they didn't get anything then.
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    Are these ready for harvest?

    I was wondering if these plants look about ready for harvest or not? They are outside and its getting pretty cold. I've just been waiting for them to be mature enough. Would I lose any potency or yield by harvesting now? And is there any truth to harvesting at night being superior to in the...
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    Burying Stem During Transplant

    I've heard that it's good to bury up to the cotyledon leaves when transplanting into a new pot. But I've also heard that burying a stem too late in a grow can cause the stem to rot. My plants are just starting their fourth set of true leaves. The stem is quite long and has kind of spiraled up...
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    How do these plants look for 2-3 weeks?

    I thought they'd be taller by now. They're outside in the garden. The stems were pretty tall and bent over, but I ended up covering them with soil. The rest of the plant is only an inch or two high. I noticed some pale green/yellow on the newest leaves, and brown on the tips of two leaves. It...
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    Stem Crack - What to do?

    I have a few plants outside right now. I noticed a slight stem crack right above the soil line. I think it happened when a basketball bounced on and off the pot. The crack is about halfway through the stem, and it's just holding on by a small bit. I tried to straighten the stem to a natural...
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    Question about burying stems

    Have a few plants with stretched stems that started with just window light. I will use more light next time to avoid the stretch. I read the guide about repotting seedlings and burying the stem in soil. Are my plants too old to do this stem burying? I think they germinated about June 21st and...