Are these ready for harvest?


New Member
I was wondering if these plants look about ready for harvest or not? They are outside and its getting pretty cold. I've just been waiting for them to be mature enough.

Would I lose any potency or yield by harvesting now? And is there any truth to harvesting at night being superior to in the day? Its very overcast and going to rain later if that matters.



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Well-Known Member
If say another 7-10 days for peak ripeness.

You won't loose much yield by harvesting now as it looks like you've had the late flower swell.

Potency may suffer a little but if you're worried about cold and rain then don't run the risk of mold.



New Member
Didn't think about that. If it's going to be around 50F and pretty rainy for a few days, is that enough to worry about mold? There was a day or two of those temperatures a week or two ago. I hope they didn't get anything then.


Well-Known Member
Didn't think about that. If it's going to be around 50F and pretty rainy for a few days, is that enough to worry about mold? There was a day or two of those temperatures a week or two ago. I hope they didn't get anything then.
Cover em up with something like some plastic. Make a 2x4 frame and throw poly over it like a green house. Itll bring the temps up too. A fan in it will help to dry everything out too. Just make sure your not going to get zapped from the connection in a puddle. Nice bud but im with jon on this one, a little longer. :):):)


New Member
Thanks for the replies :bigjoint:. I checked the plants today and they look pretty much identical to two days ago. I couldn't notice any more redness to the hairs. Would the cold temperatures make the buds mature super slow? Or stop maturing altogether?


New Member
Checked again today and still can't notice much change, maybe a tiny bit.
Anyone know whether the buds would still be maturing around 50F?