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  1. Tom Ato

    Plant hasn't grown in two weeks. Whats wrong?

    Thanks :) I've had others recover from transplant in no time I can't believe she is so touchy. So you think its because it is root bound that the leaves are curled like that too? The two have always gone hand in hand so I'm curious.
  2. Tom Ato

    Plant hasn't grown in two weeks. Whats wrong?

    I do keep a grow log. :) Nothing has changed though :(. She has always been like this even before I transplanted her. I had other plants in there and they did okay. I still have other plants in there but they are not so close to the lights. She is a slh though so I expected more from her even...
  3. Tom Ato

    Plant hasn't grown in two weeks. Whats wrong?

    Sometimes temps get as high as 86 F. I've had others growing in the same room though with zero problems. Its a Greenhouse super lemon haze. Is the heat causing this? Any growth that is happening is very slow. :confused::confused:
  4. Tom Ato

    Ready for flush? Week 6

    Holy moly. Sativied is mean. Your plants look great though DONSCROGGIN. I can't wait to start some of my own. Oh yea, I read that thing you guys posted and it seems like the alienhaze guy is right. Is this how well known members act all the time? It makes me afraid to ask a question lol.
  5. Tom Ato

    How long before a strain acclimatizes to a certain climate?

    Yes. Epigenome. Look it up folks. Its a beautiful thing. :D:D:D
  6. Tom Ato

    How long before a strain acclimatizes to a certain climate?

    Its called climatizing. The plants next year will flower on time and be better suited to the environment. If you repeat this year after year you'll lose the plant you started with in favor of a plant whose genetic dominance is better suited to the region. :) With all the mix up that has gone...
  7. Tom Ato

    Wrinkled Leaves

    They look hot. I don't know what that is one the leaves though. :confused:
  8. Tom Ato

    Occasionally give Vegging plants 24/0?

    Bugeye as in the car? :joint:
  9. Tom Ato

    Occasionally give Vegging plants 24/0?

    Thanks guys. I'll keep doing what I'm doing. Quizoking, thanks, good to know someone who has been around a while fluctuates their veg cycle. :)
  10. Tom Ato

    you like coke and weed?

    That's why you smoke the weed. poor man's ecstasy or something like that. Adderal in generic form is labeled as "Amphetamine salts". I couldn't do it all by itself anyways. Like you said, all up but no euphoric "the world is the most amazing place" kind of feeling.
  11. Tom Ato

    Occasionally give Vegging plants 24/0?

    That was my motto when I worked in Ohio at a deli. :p I guess I'll keep doing what I'm doing and not mix anything up. Thanks. :-)
  12. Tom Ato

    Occasionally give Vegging plants 24/0?

    Good to know. Thanks. :) I usually do it once just before the start of flower, like give them 12/veg then 12/hps then 12/dark and then on to a regular flowering schedule. Do you think that's cool or a waste of time?
  13. Tom Ato

    Occasionally give Vegging plants 24/0?

    Bumpity bump bump.
  14. Tom Ato

    need advice

    She's only made it this far because I had the space. I never harvested her (about a gram) If I didn't have the room she'd be compost by now. I just left her in my flowering room 12/12 once I realize she wasn't getting any bigger. That's it. I wonder if I had her on 18/6 if she would have shown...
  15. Tom Ato

    need advice

    Rhodelization! :D She just starting throwing out some male sacs but they haven't opened yet. Just waiting.
  16. Tom Ato

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    Looks like CO. :mrgreen:
  17. Tom Ato

    need advice

    Yea, I can see that. I have an auto right now that was just like that. She stopped growing at 3 inches tall. I now have her in the flower room about 3 months later in an attempt to get some pollen out of her. She is still 3 inches tall, but has put on a little weight due to her depression ;)...
  18. Tom Ato

    you like coke and weed?

    How about just get a script for adderal. :hump:
  19. Tom Ato

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    Where is this place??!!?? :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed: