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  1. 6

    Help Leaf Curl

    Leaf curl issue. Have 4 all same strain, same watering and nuti's reg. One is leaf curling out of middle. Help please!
  2. 6

    HELP Branches breaking off

    She is only 4 months old. Took her as a clone and her sister right next her is doing fine.
  3. 6

    HELP Branches breaking off

    Branches are breaking off at the main stalk. THe branches are weak and break easily with little weight. There is a grey mildew or fungi at the site of the break. Can any one help this problem please.
  4. 6

    Branch Die Off

    I really don't think it is the squirrels because of the first plant with the same problem is in a smart pot. Has no damage that I can see.
  5. 6

    Branch Die Off

    If they are getting to root ball ..why upper branches?
  6. 6

    Branch Die Off

    Too close for comfort.....going to put smoke bombs in again
  7. 6

    Branch Die Off

    No bugs at all, no breakage or damage...found possible ground squirrel hole and put smoke bomb in it.
  8. 6

    Branch Die Off

    Here are a photo of the stock...there are so much shadows in the photo. The branch to the left with small cut out is the one having the issues.
  9. 6

    Branch Die Off

    I will get pic in morning....thank you for your help....maybe be able to save her...I hope
  10. 6

    Branch Die Off

    I have one plant in smart pot that started off with branch dying off so I cut it out and then it started to die off also (see pic) Then I had a second plant in the ground start the same thing but have not cut the branch out. Really need some help on this one.
  11. 6

    Branch Die Off ??????

    Had one plant outdoors branch in smart pot start die off, so I cut off. The rest of the plant started started going bad also. Now I have another starting the same thing but is in the ground any answers?