Branch Die Off


I have one plant in smart pot that started off with branch dying off so I cut it out and then it started to die off also (see pic) Then I had a second plant in the ground start the same thing but have not cut the branch out. Really need some help on this one.



Well-Known Member
Ok bro good pic but for positive ID I need a pic of the top of stump (crown) and the union of the branch an meristem that is dying . Are ants around the plants , aphids?
My knee jerk response is crown rot but idk yet .


Well-Known Member
Branches look fine to me.. are you seeing any bugs at all near your stock. Black jumpers? If you don't have some kind of break/snap/damage anywhere on the branch that's dying, I'm going to say it's something munching on your roots......


Well-Known Member
I've had two plants show these symptoms. One book mentions Scarab Beetle grubs, which I find in my soil each spring. They are quite large. I'm still uncertain if this is the cause.


Well-Known Member
Until you find a definitive answer, I'd start feeding with azaMax. Best advice I've got for ya..


Well-Known Member
Damn. Close by? Would suck if that thing is tunneling through your rootball??!!??


I really don't think it is the squirrels because of the first plant with the same problem is in a smart pot. Has no damage that I can see.


Well-Known Member
Is the most "Effected" part of your plant(s) getting the most or direct amount of sun? What strain are they?, Are you using treated water or just tap? Have you been doing clumsy trimming or watering and hitting the plants? 2 of mine have that and they are next to each other and the portions of the plant that are weak are closest to the sun and I noticed after giving them 1/2 times more water (15 gallons every 2 days instead of 10 gallons, or spread evenly each day) they were more resilient and the leaf rust shit was getting noticeably less... also hitting them foliar spray style with dechlorinated tap water once a week seemed to help. All best to you man. Mine are still iffy but budding decently enough.


Well-Known Member
I am guessing borers just one in the right spot has taken big branches in the past. If you can find the hole an shove piano wire in it you might get it . Grubs are a good chance as is a ground Squrlll/vole