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  1. C

    Partial Flowering?

    i like the idea =]
  2. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    lol im not dumb buddy.. u should use incandecent lights lol
  3. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    nah ima steal ur hps's n all those pretty cfls u hav in ur house ^_^ lmao
  4. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    lol wte =p i did 1 pic ill get some more up later believe wut u want =] and 100% male how sure r u about that?Xp damn i cant wait to find out its sex Xp
  5. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    ha thanx dylan =p
  6. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    oh n im planning on either gettn a small hps light in a week or so. if not ill b stockn up on some 23w cfls and some more 13w cfls to put all around the bottom of the plant... 4 im lookn 4 a busshy grow =]
  7. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    atm unfortunatley its 2 floro tubes in a workshop lamp (4ft long) 40w each. this is set 1mm right above the plant without burning it. top leaves r actually touching the bulbs every couple hours wen i check up on it so i raise the light 1mm eachtime i c it like that. then i got a 20w floro tube...
  8. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    7pages in a few hours isnt bad aye... Xp well heres an update on the plant. seems 2 be doing fine not growin much taller but the growth in between the nodes seems to b growing slowly i guess.. mayb this is because its 8 new limbs/branches r forming?
  9. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    point is im human and i have my flaws. well thanx good luck with ur trip sir =]
  10. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    i guess u can say that lol
  11. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    oh ya psyche (pshycologist) wanted to diagnose me with depression. i couldnt let it be cuz of social services so i convinced her i was lying n shit.. (idk if she actually believed me or wut but she ended labeling "normal" i guess u can say.. so i prescribed myself the gift from god, cannabis.
  12. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    bullies at skool r bullied else where. of course i wasnt raised right thats y i do what i do. b4 i moved i dreamed of living in a place that had stairs other than those that led to other apt. at least now i liv in a house but u swear all is going 2 change in an instant (unless i won the lotto) i...
  13. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    fyi grop i am part black and mexi.
  14. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    Thanks for stating everything that happened to you growing up, now we can understand where YOUR coming from, a low income family, who's father probably was a raging alcoholic / drug addict whom beat your mother and you (possibly your siblings) growing up, then left your mom and you (and possibly...
  15. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    damn d rock u know nothing you think every1 starts at the top or something? the 323 may not b the best place in ca but theres ppl in the 323 r hard working, loyal ppl trying to do good. you cant just tell the 323 2 go kill themselves and its ppl that u that create hatered. ur like 1 of those...
  16. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    nope im still here just stepped outside real quick =]
  17. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    twils now you see... just about every1 has a problem some physical others mental some more serious than others. just about all my friends that smoke i know have had problems in their life,abuse, drug use within fam. neglection low income fam. whatever it may b it usually starts at home n etc...
  18. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    i wouldnt really call it taunting if your not phasing me in anyway. lol
  19. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    ur posts arent hard though lol i have plenty of friends. =] you dont know my situation so how r u going to talk about something you dont know about..? you cant do nothing but assume. ex. your like a gardener who knows nothing about aerospace engineering but yet you write a book on computational...
  20. C

    stolen seedling any tips?

    p.s. im aiming for this thread 2 b on page hm 40 by the end of the night Xp