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  1. danger monkey

    Moved flowering auto outdoors in Ohio

    Well here she is just before final chop. The canopy stayed open until May 16 and honestly she could have sat out there longer (and it seems she was still growing bud) but there was some significant amber showering up and I pulled the plug. I let her sit in a dark shed for days and that...
  2. danger monkey

    Blue Widows growing like Truffula trees

    Hey I've got two 3 week old Blue Widows in pots that I started under a 100W cfl, these are headed to guerilla plots. They started nice and compact, almost too compact I thought. I moved them outside where they were getting sun and staying nice but the tree canopy is filling in (still pretty...
  3. danger monkey

    Help me with my strategy for this year

    Yeah I think it's probably true that the logistics of worrying about 4 different spots is too much work. I'm just concerned that having just identified these spots without real time to stake them out, there are things I don't now. Like maybe the local camp uses that portion of the creek for...
  4. danger monkey

    false amber bc of lighting- a note for newbies like me

    Yeah when it was indoors it was under cfl. The whole time it was either outside or in an unheated attached garage that was maybe only 15 degrees warmer than outside. It's been outside full time since about a month ago.
  5. danger monkey

    Makeshift Everything!

    OK this is more about adapting to your environment outdoors than actually making anything, but I noticed a black locust grove near my house against a farm field is very late to leaf out, providing full sun in a very secluded setting at a time when no one's looking for MJ outdoors. And even if...
  6. danger monkey

    Help me with my strategy for this year

    Hey guys I'm trying to figure out how to divide up my resources for this year, mixing guerilla locations and a wood boiler I can grow in in the warm months. I'm an old-hand at gardening but a newbie at this and want to maximize my efforts and do this thing right. I'm...
  7. danger monkey

    Moved flowering auto outdoors in Ohio

    The sun is awesome. This thing was really a kind of piddly sad sack until it got some good sun soaks.The constant breeze up on that ridge seemed to do great things too. It's really tempting to try and do this spring flowering again a little more deliberately next year. It's 80 degrees and sunny...
  8. danger monkey

    false amber bc of lighting- a note for newbies like me

    I get the sense from other folks that Berry Ryder should definitely have been done by now, that's why I was almost tricked by the bad lighting. I think it's just the odd nature of this grow (cool temps, indoors/outdoors/indoors/outdoors) that slowed things so much. I'm in the 8th week of...
  9. danger monkey

    Moved flowering auto outdoors in Ohio

    Good that goes along with my general inclination. I just see folks trimming things up for light penetration and wonder if I should, but it seems to me energy to the plant is energy to the plant.
  10. danger monkey

    false amber bc of lighting- a note for newbies like me

    Oh yeah I'm sure this is true. In my case the incandescent underlighting didn't matter because once I used the LED too I could tell things were clear. But it did look a little yellowish-clear -- the color was off but since it was clear I could tell that's just because of the lighting. I'm a...
  11. danger monkey

    Moved flowering auto outdoors in Ohio

    BTW I really am a total newbie. Should I be removing sun leaves or other leaves on this plant at this point?
  12. danger monkey

    false amber bc of lighting- a note for newbies like me

    Yeah I get you. The microscope is actually fine if I point an led at it along with the backlighting. And I'm not sure this particular grow could ever be true to a timed number, because it's been too weird. Cool temps throughout, switching back and forth between sun and CF, and has been outside...
  13. danger monkey

    false amber bc of lighting- a note for newbies like me

    hey evverbuddy. Just wanted to note a mistake I almost made that others might want to be aware of. I have a little berry ryder that is way overdue probably because of cold temps and I went to examine the trics of the disappointing buds and did it under a little 20x microscope lighted from below...
  14. danger monkey

    Moved flowering auto outdoors in Ohio

    Yeah it's nice and toasty now, so I for all the cold weather this plant saw, I don't think purple is in the cards. mid 80's today and through the weekend and I think she should be done mid next week.
  15. danger monkey

    Moved flowering auto outdoors in Ohio

    Here's how she looks this morning, along with a pic of her setting Don't try to play where's waldo here, she's up closer to that ridge you can't see it in this photo it's just for setting. Here she is. As you can see the blue/purple hasn't showed up despite the cold nights. Was kind of hoping...
  16. danger monkey

    auto-flower fieldtrips

    Here's how she looks this morning, along with a pic of her setting Don't try to play where's waldo here, she's up closer to that ridge you can't see it in this photo it's just for setting. Here she is. As you can see the blue/purple hasn't showed up despite the cold nights. Was kind of hoping...
  17. danger monkey

    auto-flower fieldtrips

    sorry for the delay, just been too busy. Still flowering and trichomes are just barely starting to get cloudy. i think with the cooler temps the little lady just moved in slow motion, but that's not a bad thing, she's taken a longer time but has put on respectable bud growth which i didn't...
  18. danger monkey

    auto-flower fieldtrips

    I think 3 gal is overkill for this dinky thing but just didn't want any more's weeks into flowering already.
  19. danger monkey

    auto-flower fieldtrips

    I've been surprised the in-and-out doesn't seem to phase it. Actually though, I've gotten a little leary trekking it in and out, just too much of me walking around with a weed plant in my hands, probably a bad policy. So now I've just gone ahead and set her outside in a permanent spot and will...
  20. danger monkey

    Moved flowering auto outdoors in Ohio

    This may serve as a kind of experiment so I'm posting it here. I have a kind of dinky berry ryder that I grew mostly indoors with trips outside on nice days up through a couple weeks of flowering. But my indoor space is inaccessible now and I've just moved it permanently to a spot out in some...