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  1. C

    TGA Auction: Jesus OG, Harlequin OG

    Hey guys Check out my buddy's auction should be good! Jesus OG - Hells OG x JTR Harelquin OG - Harlequin x JTR Illadelph Bong .D
  2. C

    New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!

    True. Very true. CBN actually attenuates the effects of THC...
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    New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!

    I hate having to spoon feed you Brick Top. When you argue with Pubmed and research published there by the Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology of Duke University Medical Center my credentials are unlikely to impress, although I can tell you that you have heard of me & have likely also...
  4. C

    New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!

    Hey Krok! Your chart is a little off. THC does not = alert/wakeful. According to Ethan Russo & Geoffrey W. Guy & a study conducted by GW Pharmaceuticals (the creators of Sativex) the University of Washington School of Medicine & the University of Montana Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences...
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    New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!

    Look I don't want to argue. THC causes anxiety while CBD gets rid of it. This is a well known medical fact supported by clinical studies. Give support to your statements. THC Causes Anxiety: CBD Counters Anxiety...
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    New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!

    Again, I have to correct you. THC has been known for some time now to be an anxiogenic (causing anxiety.) It does not matter if it is a sativa or an indica what matters is the THC CBD ratio. CBD is a proven anxiolytic (anxiety reducing.) Neural basis of anxiolytic effects of cannabidiol...
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    New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!

    Wow, Brick Top I don't like to correct you but you have to stop giving all this unqualified info. CBD has nothing to do with couch-lock it actually induces the exact opposite reaction, one of alertness and wakefulness. Proof that CBD enhances alertness and suppresses sleep...
  8. C

    Highest CBD content?

    Number 5 is maroccan Hash... Hachis is spanish for hash, & Cannatonic the strain is not advertising to have 20-25% THC. Jaime who owns and operates Resin Seeds is a very honest guy & very proud of the 1:1 THC CBD ratio! Unfortunately the seed dispensaries are not as honest and know that...
  9. C

    Highest CBD content?

    "La Sanadora" or "Dolce Canna" Resin Seeds 10.2%CBD "Misty" 13%CBD (F1 Seeds by Reclining Buddha) "Good Medicine" 9.03%CBD (Clone only Montana) "Juanita la Lagrimosa" 8%CBD (Reggae Seeds) "The Grail" 7%CBD (F1 seeds DocD) "Sour Tsunami" 12.9%CBD (Grown by Lawrence Ringo of the Southern Humboldt...
  10. C

    Trichomes, cloudy=good, amber=shit

    The spirit of learning is why we are all here! And yeah many cultivators like yourself were doing things right just going on instinct~ Making medicine, Chechero
  11. C

    Trichomes, cloudy=good, amber=shit

    You can inject THC in it's crystalline form. The cannabinoids for many studies being conducted around the world are provided by a lab in Frankfurt Germany called I encourage you to click the link that reads "Produktatalog" then on the left under Categories click "Chemicals"...
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    Trichomes, cloudy=good, amber=shit

    There is a singular truth we just never discover it all at once there is usually a refining process. For a long time we just didn't know when to harvest. People would judge ripeness by the colour of the pistils (red hairs.) Then we all got X100 magnification and the question became trich colour...
  13. C

    Highest CBD content?

    we will likely never see 24%THC 24%CBD genetics as CBD & THC share precursors. Their relationship is inversely proportional so that one is always at the expense of the other. The ratios is what's it's all about.
  14. C

    Highest CBD content?

    Hey all! It is nice to see people taking interest in CBD strains. The truth is there is no medicine more powerfull than cannabidiol. I believe your question was "what CBD rich strains are available." While there have been recent breeding programs to develop CBD rich strains there are nowhere...