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  1. ChazGrows

    LED / Soil / Grow Cabinet - First Grow!

    Sorry for the delay! But I'll get to posting more regularly! Here are the photo updates! I wiosh I had more to say, but honestly I just water them every few days and feed once a week. Temps are steady, everything is working. Cant wait to get a harvest!
  2. ChazGrows

    LED / Soil / Grow Cabinet - First Grow!

    BAM! Literally just been following the instructions. Nothing more. My friend looked at the pics, and said he saw no males or crosses, any other input! It's quiet around here!
  3. ChazGrows

    LED / Soil / Grow Cabinet - First Grow!

    Still going strong! They were flipped to Flower today. My friend who I got the clones from took a look, and he suggested I flip them a bit early. I already have my next set in the veg chamber!
  4. ChazGrows

    LED / Soil / Grow Cabinet - First Grow!

    Time for another update! Still only feeding them water as the guide it came with says to. I guess the soil that it comes with has enough nutrients already for this stage of growth, is that true? I thought you had to start feeding every other watering, but the instructions say specifically not to...
  5. ChazGrows

    LED / Soil / Grow Cabinet - First Grow!

    Transplanted into the bags today! They were all nicely rooted.. LIFTOFF!!!
  6. ChazGrows

    LED / Soil / Grow Cabinet - First Grow!

    And here they are! Got them into the cabinet last night! They are a little droopy from the move from my friends house to mine. Cant wait to see them pop up a bit! Planning on transplanting them into the white bags that came with my cabinet on Monday!
  7. ChazGrows

    LED / Soil / Grow Cabinet - First Grow!

    I got my cabinet in today! Went down and picked it up and got her all setup at home ready to go! Still waiting on my buddy to get the clones to me! One step at a time!
  8. ChazGrows

    LED / Soil / Grow Cabinet - First Grow!

    Hello RIU, I started off by asking for suggestions in the Newbie section, and after about a week of looking at various options, I took the plunge and bought myself a Yielder Max from Cabinet Grow. In summary of my past thread: I am a first-time grower, looking to grow enough to handle the...
  9. ChazGrows

    Cabinet grow

    Whitebb: I feel you. However, what I have seen more than anything on these forms is the fact that people can spend YEARS tweaking their setup to get it to a point where it is optimized. I can spend 600 bucks, build a setup, run a cycle, tweak it some more, spend another 200, run another cycle...
  10. ChazGrows

    Cabinet grow

    I am in the same situation, you can look at the discussion we had over on this thread: Long story short, I'm going with the Closet Grow Yielder Max / LED / Soil model after comparing the SuperCloset and...
  11. ChazGrows

    First Time Grower - Grow Cabinets

    So after looking at everything, and talking to all three companies. I'm probably going to go with the one here: In the end, it was a head-to-head between the Cabinet Grow model and the Super Closet model. The CG model won out in my comparisons...
  12. ChazGrows

    First Time Grower - Grow Cabinets

    I went down to the Cabinet Grow showroom and took some pictures. They were extremely cool and friendly, and gave me some resources to look through. The build quality seems top-notch, lots of little details that I would have overlooked when trying to build one myself. The more research I do on...
  13. ChazGrows

    First Time Grower - Grow Cabinets

    Thank you! Those are some pretty girls you got there! How do you like the build quality of the SuperCloset? I plan to get a hard-sided cabinet for aesthetics instead of a tent, but craftsmanship should be fairly standard. I plan to visit the showroom this afternoon. I have to drive up to Los...
  14. ChazGrows

    First Time Grower - Grow Cabinets

    That is exactly what I want to try and avoid by going with a reputable builder of grow-cabinets. I'm looking for something that is going to alleviate the trial and error that I'm sure goes into building / setting up my first grow. You guys seem to have gone through the same learning process. It...
  15. ChazGrows

    First Time Grower - Grow Cabinets

    747, Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I'm still sold on buying a pre-built unit, but really want to make the right decision on what company to go with. As I said before, I don't really have access to the tools and experience I would need to build my own cabinet, and I'm not really keen on a...