LED / Soil / Grow Cabinet - First Grow!


Hello RIU,

I started off by asking for suggestions in the Newbie section, and after about a week of looking at various options, I took the plunge and bought myself a Yielder Max from Cabinet Grow.

In summary of my past thread: I am a first-time grower, looking to grow enough to handle the needs of myself and my grandma as we are legal 215 patients in the state of California. I'm good with numbers, and computers, but quite honestly I'm not the DIY type.

Many people suggest going the DIY route to save money, but just about everyone has a long list of mistakes, changes, upgrades, and tweaks to their first grow until they get the hang of it. I want to avoid as much of that learning curve as possible.

After crunching some numbers with the help of several companies (I looked at Closet Grow, SuperCloset, and BC Northern Lights.) I finally settled onto this awesome grow box.


I ordered my unit this week, and it should be done by Friday! Although I probably wont be able to pick it up until sometime next week. Along with the actual plants in this thread, I'm going to be doing an in-depth analysis of money we save (Hopefully!!!) by growing our own instead of plopping down cash at the local dispensary!

I have a kill-a-watt unit to use to measure electricity, and I have already started a spreadsheet of all the associated hidden costs that are sure to pop up here and there!

So as of today:
-1834.92 (Cabinet & Tax)

I saved on shipping by picking the unit up in person. It's not too far of a drive for me.

I have a friend who grows who will be supplying me with clones to populate this bad boy! I believe he said the strain is Ice. I'll get more details from him when I can.

Anyways, I don't have any real information yet, so I'll just say I welcome any and all criticism, input, or advice! Grandma who will be tending to the plants on the day-to-day basis should chime in too if I can get her to!

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I got my cabinet in today! Went down and picked it up and got her all setup at home ready to go!

Still waiting on my buddy to get the clones to me! One step at a time!

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Well-Known Member


And here they are! Got them into the cabinet last night! They are a little droopy from the move from my friends house to mine. Cant wait to see them pop up a bit! Planning on transplanting them into the white bags that came with my cabinet on Monday!

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King Arthur

Well-Known Member
So far so good, I hope you get 1800 out of that box before you move on to something bigger. I looked at that box too but they cost the same as a high quality LED light. You got yours bro so no hating from me I just want you to get the most out of it. Keep us updated brotha.

Mean Gene

Well-Known Member
I also looked at those boxes. That same one but i ended up building my own box out of an old dresser turned on its side and used cfls to get 2.5oz dry off 2 plants my first grow. Imo it isnt worth the money but it does take all the work out of it for you. Just plug and play. Ill be watching to see how your grow does any advice i can offer along the way ill be happy to do so. As long as you get what you need out of it and youre happy more power to you my friend.


Time for another update! Still only feeding them water as the guide it came with says to. I guess the soil that it comes with has enough nutrients already for this stage of growth, is that true? I thought you had to start feeding every other watering, but the instructions say specifically not to yet.

Anyways, I picked the 4 girls that are winners, and transplanted them into the bigger pots today! They are doing great!



Still going strong! They were flipped to Flower today. My friend who I got the clones from took a look, and he suggested I flip them a bit early. I already have my next set in the veg chamber!

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BAM! Literally just been following the instructions. Nothing more. My friend looked at the pics, and said he saw no males or crosses, any other input! It's quiet around here!

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Sorry for the delay! But I'll get to posting more regularly! Here are the photo updates! I wiosh I had more to say, but honestly I just water them every few days and feed once a week. Temps are steady, everything is working. Cant wait to get a harvest!

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