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  1. G

    First grow/flowering

    Thank you I did alot of research during the whole thing and for my first time and a make shift room I'd say I did pretty well
  2. G

    First grow/flowering

    This is my first grow and its definitely not perfect but I think I'm doing pretty well. Got a cfl set up been in flowering (12/12) for about 2 weeks now I'm using bloom nutes from dyna grow. I started with 3 plants but 1 was male. So now it's down to 2 and I under estamated the stretch of them...
  3. G

    To tall

    So it would b ok to do that then after 2wks flower
  4. G

    To tall

    What about my idea about cutting her down to size and use tops and clone my buddy said he would take them off my hands afterwards
  5. G

    To tall

    Well what about the other 2 do they got enough room to flower I can make a make shift grow room for the other one that is bigger
  6. G

    To tall

    I wanted to start to flower should I wait since I have to do some bending
  7. G

    To tall

    Cfl set up been growing these ladies for about 2 months wanted to start flowering but they had and r recovering from deficiencys but the 1 grew fast. Any suggestions? I was thinking of cutting her down to the others size and cloning her will that work?
  8. G

    Should I flower?

    I'm new at this and I dnt want them to big the biggest 1 is the size I want but I want the other two to catch up to that one what is LST and how do I do it?
  9. G

    Should I flower?

    Been growing these ladies for awhile and I'm thinking it's about that time but I could use advice I got a cfl set up they are just starting to get over deficiencys should I wait awhile r should I start?
  10. G

    First grow help

    OK perfect will use thanks for help
  11. G

    First grow help

    Well I just flushed the plants yesterday to get the ph right should I wait for the transplant r go get the new soil now and should I go with a soil r coco coir
  12. G

    First grow help

    Roger that thanks for the help
  13. G

    First grow help

    I'm not lazy trust me I've been spending more time with them then my dogs lol. I'm just worried about the root system how would I safely put the roots into the new soil. What kind of soil should I use? What if u flush the MG soil will that help anything?
  14. G

    First grow help

    Thanks I appreciate the advice but the soil transplant sounds like to much for me to do I dnt trust myself basically lol. I'm scared I'll hurt them. Is there any way to fix my problem by keeping them in the soil I have now I water with 1/2 nutes once a week
  15. G

    First grow help

    I got a cfl set up using MG soil been growing for about a month and some days. Like i said im new and started off watering them with tap water not knowing about ph until i researched. Now using nutes 9,3,6 and test ph in pure water but plants are showing some signs of deficiency i guess. I test...
  16. G

    Help thread

    What should I do about this
  17. G

    What's wrong

    But it took that long for it to react to the soil
  18. G

    What's wrong

    I transplanted about 2 weeks ago and haven't watered since cuz she was showing signs of over watering b4 transplant soil has nutes it's MG soil
  19. G

    What's wrong

    Well at first she was over watered so wen I transplanted it I haven't watered since and that about 2 weeks ago
  20. G

    What's wrong

    The soil has nutes in it and I haven't really watered her since the transplant will the nutes in the soil be enough once I water r should I still add some?