First grow help


I got a cfl set up using MG soil been growing for about a month and some days. Like i said im new and started off watering them with tap water not knowing about ph until i researched. Now using nutes 9,3,6 and test ph in pure water but plants are showing some signs of deficiency i guess. I test my runoff water and its showing low ph how do i fix that? This us bag seed so I dnt kno wat they are.The first 1 has rust like spots on her. The second 1 has yollowing of the lower leaves and some purplish stems. The 3rd looks ok i guess. But the all have some clawing of the leaves going on. Also im tring to keep them smaller so i got them in a 2g pot. What should I do to help my ladies out? I'm open to all opinions and need ideas on when to flower and to better my grow. 1435587687237-507184113.jpg14355879173241158602703.jpg 20150629_104920.jpg
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sno capz

Well-Known Member
First problem... Miracle grow, remove your plant from the soil and gently wash off the soil from the roots. Take your new soil (get something from the internet or hydro supply shop) and mix it with perlite(not miracle grow brand) or hydroton for drainage. Also put a layer of hydroton or stones in the bottom of your pot to supply further drainage and transplant into that

Second, the rust colored plant looks like a calcium magnesium deficiency. Get some CalMag and add it to your new soil...

Third, the smaller yellowing leaves at the very bottom could be a nitrogen deficiency... Give them some nitrogen

Fourth, the clawing can be caused by a few things such as over/under watering or nitrogen toxicity however to me it doesn't look like nitrogen toxicity. How often are you watering/feeding?

Make sure your soil has adequate drainage. Make sure it is flushed before using your mix and transplanting. And only water when the pot feels light. I use coco and I water or feed every 2 - 3 days when my pot feels 80% lighter than when I feed or water it.


Thanks I appreciate the advice but the soil transplant sounds like to much for me to do I dnt trust myself basically lol. I'm scared I'll hurt them. Is there any way to fix my problem by keeping them in the soil I have now I water with 1/2 nutes once a week

sno capz

Well-Known Member
Sure if you want shitty buds for all the effort you will be putting in.... Listen it is quite simple so trusting yourself should be of no worry... Follow these steps...

1.) get your new soil

2.) get your perlite or hydroton

3.) mix them at a 50/50 ratio and flush the mix

4.) flush your hydroton or stone and take your new pot and put that for drainage in the bottom. About a 2-3 inch layer.

5.) put new soil in the new pot over the drainage hydroton or rock about 3/4 of the rest of the pot.

6.) get a bucket or cooler and fill with pH 5.9 water non chlorinated about halfway to 3/4 of the bucket or cooler.

7.) take current plant in pot, gently squeeze the sides and then turn upside down holding the stem between you thumb and pointer finger and gently tap the bottom of the pot until the medium becomes loose. The entire plant, soil and all will come out easily.

8.) remove the plant and dirt from pot and gently start shaking... This will knock off the largest amounts of dirt easily.

9.) take the rest and dip the roots in the bucket of 5.9 water to remove the rest of the MG soil from the root system.

10.) carefully transplant roots and plant into the new soil mix.

Voila! You're just making yourself think it's a complicated process... It's really not and only takes about 5-10 minutes. Isn't 5-10 minutes worth the effort you already have to put in? If you just want to be lazy though then I don't foresee success in cannabis growing anywhere in your future

sno capz

Well-Known Member
OH and when changing your soil... I suggest picking up General Organics CalMag and implementing 10ml per gallon for soil or 15ml per gallon of water for coco...

This will correct your CalMag deficiency

sno capz

Well-Known Member
Also keep in mind, before transplanting I suggest you take your flushed soil mix and let it sit in your grow space for 2-3 days to acclimate to the same temps as the grow space... This will help to create less stress. But also remember that it will still be stressed from transplanting into your new soil mix. This will take anywhere from 2 days up to a week... Depends on many factors. It may seem like it's drooping but let it run it's course and it will come back to life by itself. So when you feel like it's dying, don't give up hope because it WILL come back to life


I'm not lazy trust me I've been spending more time with them then my dogs lol. I'm just worried about the root system how would I safely put the roots into the new soil. What kind of soil should I use? What if u flush the MG soil will that help anything?

sno capz

Well-Known Member
I'm not lazy trust me I've been spending more time with them then my dogs lol. I'm just worried about the root system how would I safely put the roots into the new soil. What kind of soil should I use? What if u flush the MG soil will that help anything?
First and foremost... And I cannot stress this enough.... GET RID OF THE MIRACLE GROW SOIL!!! It doesn't really matter why just do it!

If you want a soil get fox farm ocean forest... Or if you want less of a headache use Mother Earth Coco.

Once the roots are cleaned off just dig a hole in your new pot and place everything in the new soil mix then back fill the main stem

sno capz

Well-Known Member
It's not hard believe me... Do it once and you'll be surprised as to how simple the process is... And when you end up with a good yielding crop you can thank me at harvest


Well-Known Member
The answer to you're problem is the pH level. You measure pH after you add nutes to water. If you're runoff is 5, get your fert/water mix up 1.8 points. The run-off will be closer. Also, everyone is correct about mg. If you do not know how soil works 100% then mg is not for you. Yes you can grow in it and even make big ass buds, you will also be flushing and adding alot of shit throughout its life just to keep her happy. The easiest thing you can do for yourself now would be a transplant into easy to care for soil like everyone is reccomending. Its pretty easy, just give her a few days and she will perk up again.


Well I just flushed the plants yesterday to get the ph right should I wait for the transplant r go get the new soil now and should I go with a soil r coco coir