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  1. smokinthegoodstuff

    how many growers here use silicon?

    Thanks Dr i will try this when i change my res.
  2. smokinthegoodstuff

    how many growers here use silicon?

    so would it be best to put it in with just PH water on one of the res changes and then after the week swap it back out for nutrients again? Im growing my plants in a dwc btw.
  3. smokinthegoodstuff

    how many growers here use silicon?

    ok sweet im def gona try some
  4. smokinthegoodstuff

    how many growers here use silicon?

    what differences are they? does it make them grow faster and bigger?
  5. smokinthegoodstuff

    how many growers here use silicon?

    Just reading about the benefits of silicon when its added to your nutes for your plants. Has anyone seen how much better or different it makes your plants if you have or don't have it? I'm thinking about getting some and trying it out. Any one have any suggestions on the best brand to use?
  6. smokinthegoodstuff

    dwc question.

    When ur ph goes up or down from ur plants do you add ph up or down straight to ur res with plants in it or do you mix it with water first? Ive been adjusting it by just mixing some ph down with water to bring it down but it takes alot of water to bring it down to just under 6.0
  7. smokinthegoodstuff

    Are LED lights the new generation of indoor growing? Take a look at this before u spend nearly 2k on it man
  8. smokinthegoodstuff

    Are LED lights the new generation of indoor growing?

    I looked into led before i started mine. I asked a lot of people and a lot have mixed opinions on it. I was just gona get a mars hyrdo to do the grow but im now running hps. Everyone said that led is good for veg but make buds go fluffy and light?? I still wouldn't mind getting a led but maybe...
  9. smokinthegoodstuff

    seedlings have started going yellow?

    Very true!! if i didn't listen to Bear420 i would have definitely over watered them and killed the one that was going yellow. Very happy that there are people on here that jump straight on new posts to help the newbies out!!
  10. smokinthegoodstuff

    seedlings have started going yellow?

    There 2 weeks yesterday. They were poping there 4th node so i topped them. Funny thing i noticed is that they now have there faint smell :)
  11. smokinthegoodstuff

    Rockwool seedling-Where am i going wrong?

    post up pics of them as they grow man. would be good to see how they go :)
  12. smokinthegoodstuff

    seedlings have started going yellow?

    I didnt have to set up the drip. i put them in the dwc and put a litle water over them to keep them moist and within the first three days they had roots in the water!! there growing quick now!! I love camping. I go when ever i can. Normally go camping down the beach with a heap of people, bikes...
  13. smokinthegoodstuff

    Rockwool seedling-Where am i going wrong?

    the guy at my grow shop recons cfls over those t5s any day. that could be ur problem? i veg my girls with a 85w cool daylight cfl and the once they start showing there second set of leaves ive chucked them under my sunlux light in the tent and they love it. They have only been under it for not...
  14. smokinthegoodstuff

    Rockwool seedling-Where am i going wrong?

    What is ur setup like? lights, temp, ph range, humidity. there could be just one little thing affecting the little ones.
  15. smokinthegoodstuff

    Can female plants/bud have only make seeds?

    sun all the time?? im guessing ur up north then? north qld or wa? im in the city so its always overcast or raining lol
  16. smokinthegoodstuff

    10 day old seedlings only 1.5" wide are they garbage???

    mine are small. i have white widow x bb and for them nearly two weeks tomoro there only the width of my palm. they even have there 5 finger leaf popping out. There in my dwc now and they slowed down a bit to put there roots down so im guessing, well hopeing that by week three they take off or...
  17. smokinthegoodstuff

    Should i use all 3 nutes??

    Hey everyone I have 1/2 week old seedlings that i have just put into my dwc. I have the flora 3 stage nutes so i put 1/4 of the recommended amount into my 30litres res to get them going. Looking at the bottles now im thinking do i need to put florabloom in there since there just seedlings? or...
  18. smokinthegoodstuff

    Can female plants/bud have only make seeds?

    Im in aus to and the weather here is pritty cold and crap. least you have some sun where u are! And another reason why im growin indoors cos here its always ether to hot or to cold hahaha
  19. smokinthegoodstuff

    Can female plants/bud have only make seeds?

    he was probs just crappin on. but it could be a feminised plant that went hermi and fertilized herself so in that case im guessing you should have all female plants there!!
  20. smokinthegoodstuff

    Sunlux bulb any good?

    lol gota keep the brain workin! yeh i was gona run it bare and see what temps i get with it. if its to hot i was gona get a tube. If i ran both i would definitely have to sort out extra cooling in the tent.