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  1. graffixs69

    DWC grow first run vs my soil

    Running a chiller at 68 and ppm around 300 pH at 6
  2. graffixs69

    Growing DWC and Soil

    Growing DWC and Soil
  3. graffixs69

    DWC grow first run vs my soil

    What tips do felow buddies have using DWC? I am running Current Culture
  4. graffixs69

    DWC grow first run vs my soil

    Definitely messed up going from soil to hydroponics on most of the plants but my biggest and second biggest did well. Had to put new plants into the other 4 spots. Definitely a new change for me
  5. graffixs69

    DWC grow first run vs my soil

    This is my first time doing DWC, running culture solutions nutes. The other room in soil
  6. graffixs69

    Solistek MH 10K Finish bulb

    Anyone have experience using this bulb to finish and how long did you use and what results did you see?
  7. graffixs69

    Oh Yeah!!! 1 month still left

    Shaping up to be nice, liking how this untopped project is turning out
  8. graffixs69

    Oh Yeah!!! 1 month still left

  9. graffixs69

    Nice big bud crossed with Skunk #1

    It is filling in nice!!! Got some work but very happy
  10. graffixs69

    Nice big bud crossed with Skunk #1

    That is tomorrow's project 4sure
  11. graffixs69

    Very Pungent, Stinky Odor

    You have pics?
  12. graffixs69

    Nice big bud crossed with Skunk #1

    very nice
  13. graffixs69

    Nice big bud crossed with Skunk #1

  14. graffixs69

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

  15. graffixs69

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Big Bud X Skunk #1
  16. graffixs69

    Any tips for this Colorado Lady???? Growing at 9,000 feet

    Put her in a 15 gallon smart pot