Any tips for this Colorado Lady???? Growing at 9,000 feet


I am at early stages of flowering and was thinking of transplanting into a bigger pot. I have been using Big Buddha and organic compost tea during veg and now purchased Buddha bloom. What do you think???? Temps during the day are low 70's and low's are in the lower 50's for now. Definatly will have to bring her in toward the latter part of August


Yeah!!! I am going into a bigger pot tomorrow. That should help a lot. Big problem with 20 gallon is that it will be heavy as hell to bring in at night. Temps will dip into the low to mid 40's in like 2 weeks and beginning of sept it will be into the 30's for lows. Guess I will put it on a caster or something


Thinking of a night tent over her with a heater???
Had a beauty last year but had to bring her in every night at the start of Sept as it got down into the 20's at night.. Luckily had a warm spot for her in the day. It was great smoke though and was nice and purple. Downside was I only got about 6 OZ. Want to obviously improve yield like everyone else !!!!
What do other high altitude growers recommend???


Well-Known Member
6 oz in a small container on a porch (is your porch covered?) is not a bad yield. If 20 gallon is too big/heavy, try a 10 or 12 gallon pot. I don't think altitude makes a difference in yield; if you have a seed strain for cooler climates (like those used in B.C.) that is used to shorter growing seasons might improve future yields as well. I don't know if cool temps will effect your little lady until they reach near the freezing point.