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  1. Kash Krop

    HERMIE's good or bad?

    Anyone interested in this topic should check out a podcast called 20 minutes with Twenty 20 Mendocino, they also download to you tube so real easy to find. I thought I knew a lot about our fav plant until I listened to this breeder & realized I didn't know shit. Good Good stuff, check it out.
  2. Kash Krop

    blown timers

    The short answer is,No.
  3. Kash Krop

    Questions - 400 and 600 Together

    Sorry Mike,I misread your first post.I thought you were running two seperate flower rooms,one with a 400,one with a 600,my bad. I still stand by my advice about the lights in regards to plant age. A flip flop won't work in your setup,you need seperate flower rooms for that.What it does is switch...
  4. Kash Krop

    Questions - 400 and 600 Together

    Personally I'd like to have both lights the same wattage so I could use a flip flop switch & a single 600 ballast for both lights,but since you don't I'd use the 600 in the last weeks of flower & I'll tell you why. The more powerful light will penetrate deeper into the canopy & since the plant...
  5. Kash Krop

    worker comp. advise

    Get a lawyer that knows comp law in your state.Keep track of all milage to & from all Dr. & therapy apps.,they have to comp you for that too,so much for every mile you travel,the exact amount may vary from state to state,your lawyer will know.Save every recipt for meds precribed by your Dr. they...
  6. Kash Krop

    Need Help, some scary dreams.

    It's your insecurity manifesting itself through your dreams,a subconscious release valve for your fears.
  7. Kash Krop

    How bad will i get it?

    I'm telling you man,do not eat this rap.I know it don't sound like much,just some minor bs,a little fine,maybe some "be a good boy" time (probation) and,AND A GUILTY ON YOUR RECORD FOREVER,STRIKE ONE. Get popped again somewhere down the road,go to court & the judge looks at your record & "Oh,I...
  8. Kash Krop

    How bad will i get it?

    One word dude,LAWYER.
  9. Kash Krop

    Prop 19 and 58pounds a day is what you are voting for!

    "dude move to california and don't bitch. IF you even read the bill, a rational person can see the loop holes that the government is going to use to fully cut out home growers. 5x5 is only two dimensions they purposely left out that last one to eventually tell you that you only get 5x5x1/8 XD...
  10. Kash Krop

    If Prop 19 passes I will join the rebel alliance.

    You put up some post from a nobody & call that proof,bah,just more lame azz bullshit,you got NO game mr. I did do a little searching on this topic & here is what I found,I went on budtrader & in their search I typed"Phillip Morris,sorry no results,then i typed Big Tobacco,also,no results.I then...
  11. Kash Krop

    If Prop 19 passes I will join the rebel alliance.

    As my fave cartoon character Bender would say, "BITE MY SHINEY METAL ASS"
  12. Kash Krop

    If Prop 19 passes I will join the rebel alliance.

    whiteflour this is exactly what I have been posting on another canna forum & every time I do it gets deleted.I guess even mj site admins have an agenda to sow the seeds of bullshit.Anybody who thinks these Fortune 500 companys, with shareholders to answer to, would risk millions of dollars of...
  13. Kash Krop

    If Prop 19 passes I will join the rebel alliance.

    Bogus Bullshit,Totally Bogus.I got an idea,show some proof of what you say,it should be easy.Phillip Morris buying large tracts of land in Mendo would be front page news in the local paper,just google up a link to that will ya'.OOPS,sorry,you can't,I wonder why????
  14. Kash Krop

    DEA trolling Colorado... HEADS UP!

    Back in the day before the police & fire dept. radios went digital,I had a little device called a frequency scout.It picked up on any 2 way radios & would show you the freq. it was transmiting on.You had to get somewhat close to pick it up,maybe 150' or so.It would store these freq's so later...
  15. Kash Krop

    Guess What.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.

    I'm not surprised.
  16. Kash Krop

    homemade liquor

    Like Smoke said,that's not liquor.It' more of a beer or wort<google that.Yeast will change sugar to alcohol but it still needs food & that's where the grains/potatoes/fruit etc. come in.Malt is also used to convert the starches in grain/potatoes to sugars.To determine proof an alcohol specific...
  17. Kash Krop

    Coco has green patches ??

    It's probably algae.
  18. Kash Krop

    Care To Guess How Long A Transgendered Clitoris Needs To Be...

    "I saw this video once of a chic who's clit was like a two-inch penis! " You wouldn't possibly have a link to that vidio now would you?
  19. Kash Krop

    whats the most common way of gettin caught

    You're halfway to being popped right now.
  20. Kash Krop

    how much weight do buds lose when dry??

    My personal experience,70 to 80%