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  1. Vdoob420

    Help with nutes

    Never said I was going organic... Just leave this thread of mine and please do not comment on Any of mine again .... Thank you
  2. Vdoob420

    Nutes help

    See I'm not going organic. But mustangstudfarm told me to post in here any way.... Not sure why. Told him I just want people's thoughts on nutes Not his stupid comments that make no sense and don't even go with the questions
  3. Vdoob420

    Help with nutes

    Thank you!!! This is the kind of answer I'm looking for, very informative! Now can you tell me how to like that post? Lol
  4. Vdoob420

    Help with nutes

    They are but no one can break down a simple answer as to why they liked it or even explain what they did differently besides the directions I'm frustrated because I get one answer and that's blue planet. Well there's more then that brand besides starter kits(which I refuse to use) I want...
  5. Vdoob420

    Help with nutes

    I'm looking for your opinion on what you did with your SOIL grow. Did you use GH brand nutes or another type. Did you give them more or less then what the bottle said .... If you gave them what it said. Did it burn your plants and so on .... I feel as if this simple question is to easy it get...
  6. Vdoob420

    Help with nutes

    Yes I have but I'm looking for schedules and different brands. Not just blue planet. I want to find out what worked best for others and during what stages of growth do people up and down the ppm's and nutes
  7. Vdoob420

    Nutes help

    Just wondering what nutes are recommended during each stage of growing Not looking to use a go box or any other starter kit, looking for a more in depth feeding schedule and some explanation on when and why these nutes are needed Example During the first few weeks of growth after...
  8. Vdoob420

    Help with nutes

    Yes but that doesn't help me with a feeding schedule or what levels of n-p-k I should be using and at what times... Also I'm looking for someone to give me reasons as to why it is a good idea to use a certain level of nutrient at certain times and not others
  9. Vdoob420

    Help with nutes

    Soil as far as I know of... I have a few weeks still if I plan to go to hydro
  10. Vdoob420

    Help with nutes

    Just wondering what nutes are recommended during each stage of growing Not looking to use a go box or any other starter kit, looking for a more in depth feeding schedule and some explanation on when and why these nutes are needed Example During the first few weeks of growth after...
  11. Vdoob420

    First solo grow; looking for advice/info/ general info about nutes

    What would you keep you PH balance at? Also how many PPM are you using? And during why stages of grown are you changing them. Just trying to figure out what the best route to keep my plants thriving
  12. Vdoob420

    First solo grow; looking for advice/info/ general info about nutes

    hey guys, Just trying to gain some general knowledge about nutes, what kind I should be using and why, when to change feed schedule and why etc. my boyfriend has grown for a little while now but these are my first batch on my own, we are both interested to see what people have to say. Will...
  13. Vdoob420

    week 6 flower and looking a bit sick, any advice??

    Just regular gardening soil and no additives to it. I thought it was a micro nutrient of some sort that's why I mixed in some flora micro but no such luck. With a flush of plain water should I be worried of over watering or prolonging their need for nutes?
  14. Vdoob420

    week 6 flower and looking a bit sick, any advice??

    3 PK 3 super silver haze and 1 blueberry in soil under kind led xl1000 using flora bloom nutes at about 1200 ppm. have been adding micro as well to try and fill any deficiencies but there has been no change. ph is usually 6.5 - 7 i am having a hard time keeping it down closer to 6 but i dont...