Help with nutes


New Member
Just wondering what nutes are recommended during each stage of growing

Not looking to use a go box or any other starter kit, looking for a more in depth feeding schedule and some explanation on when and why these nutes are needed


During the first few weeks of growth after Germination what levels of N-P-K would you recommend.... Etc.

What other nutes should I be looking to improve other then n-p-k

After flower has begun what levels should my ppm be at 2 weeks into growth, 3 weeks into growth and so on...

I really hope someone can help with this as there are so many answers out there


Well-Known Member
Soil as far as I know of... I have a few weeks still if I plan to go to hydro
You should visit the Organic section on here! They are bored and need someone to talk to lol. Really helpful and friendly people in there. A lot of information also.
Are you interested in owning a worm bin or composting?


Well-Known Member
Yes but that doesn't help me with a feeding schedule or what levels of n-p-k I should be using and at what times... Also I'm looking for someone to give me reasons as to why it is a good idea to use a certain level of nutrient at certain times and not others
You can give your plant a "buffet" of nutrients without burning the plant if you use organic. It is more work upfront, mixing the soil and aging it for 6-8weeks. In my opinion, it is easier than watching my plant die to unknown problems... Hydro just did not pan out for me, and I threw a few thousand into it!


Well-Known Member
Yes but that doesn't help me with a feeding schedule or what levels of n-p-k I should be using and at what times... Also I'm looking for someone to give me reasons as to why it is a good idea to use a certain level of nutrient at certain times and not others
Did you even go to their site? They have a complete schedule.


New Member
Did you even go to their site? They have a complete schedule.
Yes I have but I'm looking for schedules and different brands. Not just blue planet. I want to find out what worked best for others and during what stages of growth do people up and down the ppm's and nutes


Well-Known Member
Yes I have but I'm looking for schedules and different brands. Not just blue planet. I want to find out what worked best for others and during what stages of growth do people up and down the ppm's and nutes
If you want to go organic, you cannot use bottle stuff... Hydro store wants part of your profits! If you cant grow, they profit! They want you to spend endless amounts of money before you give up...


New Member
I'm looking for your opinion on what you did with your SOIL grow. Did you use GH brand nutes or another type. Did you give them more or less then what the bottle said .... If you gave them what it said. Did it burn your plants and so on .... I feel as if this simple question is to easy it get the right answers and everyone that is answer doesn't understand how to explain what brand they used and how much they administered to their grow each day or two


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what nutes are recommended during each stage of growing

Not looking to use a go box or any other starter kit, looking for a more in depth feeding schedule and some explanation on when and why these nutes are needed


During the first few weeks of growth after Germination what levels of N-P-K would you recommend.... Etc.

What other nutes should I be looking to improve other then n-p-k

After flower has begun what levels should my ppm be at 2 weeks into growth, 3 weeks into growth and so on...

I really hope someone can help with this as there are so many answers out there
Your exactly right...the answers are out there


New Member
Your exactly right...the answers are out there
They are but no one can break down a simple answer as to why they liked it or even explain what they did differently besides the directions
I'm frustrated because I get one answer and that's blue planet. Well there's more then that brand besides starter kits(which I refuse to use) I want people's reasons behind brands. And results. Not ones I can just flipping Google!


Well-Known Member
They are but no one can break down a simple answer as to why they liked it or even explain what they did differently besides the directions
I'm frustrated because I get one answer and that's blue planet. Well there's more then that brand besides starter kits(which I refuse to use) I want people's reasons behind brands. And results. Not ones I can just flipping Google!
I say to use BP for a bunch of reasons. It is organic. It has never burned a plant that I have used it on. Liquid Seaweed is straight awesome for your plants and they love it. The bloom boosters seem to speed up every strain I have given it to. 12-14 weeks sativa dominant strains finish in 8.5 weeks. It makes the ganja fat, strong, sweet, dank and delicious. I follow their schedule pretty close, but not to the letter. I skip a couple of the stages and go for a higher concentration. Try it out. The complete organic kit is only about 150 and well worth the expense.


New Member
I say to use BP for a bunch of reasons. It is organic. It has never burned a plant that I have used it on. Liquid Seaweed is straight awesome for your plants and they love it. The bloom boosters seem to speed up every strain I have given it to. 12-14 weeks sativa dominant strains finish in 8.5 weeks. It makes the ganja fat, strong, sweet, dank and delicious. I follow their schedule pretty close, but not to the letter. I skip a couple of the stages and go for a higher concentration. Try it out. The complete organic kit is only about 150 and well worth the expense.
Thank you!!!
This is the kind of answer I'm looking for, very informative!

Now can you tell me how to like that post? Lol


Well-Known Member
I say to use BP for a bunch of reasons. It is organic. It has never burned a plant that I have used it on. Liquid Seaweed is straight awesome for your plants and they love it. The bloom boosters seem to speed up every strain I have given it to. 12-14 weeks sativa dominant strains finish in 8.5 weeks. It makes the ganja fat, strong, sweet, dank and delicious. I follow their schedule pretty close, but not to the letter. I skip a couple of the stages and go for a higher concentration. Try it out. The complete organic kit is only about 150 and well worth the expense.
Do you use coco coir or a soiless medium? You dont use actual soil right?


Well-Known Member
I'm in soil and I like the ff nutes I've had awesome results using them that's just my opinion .....there really simple to use I wouldn't recommend using there feeding schedule at full strength I start out at half strength and work my way up to full ......I use there whole line I've tried other brands but have come back to ff and plan to stick with it there are others things I add during flowering but overall I'm really satisfied with there product for many years now I said it's what I use and I use so I figured I'd share that with you there's tons of good companies out there with great products that's just my pick in the matter .....good luck to you hope this somewhat answers your question Happy growing


Well-Known Member
Thank you!!!
This is the kind of answer I'm looking for, very informative!

Now can you tell me how to like that post? Lol
No prob. I have been growing for ages now and have tried a few products, but not all. FF, Roots and another flavor (I can't remember what it was as that was over a decade ago). The BP is just on point and they have been my brand for as long as I can remember. I have Robert's cell (the owner) on my speed dial and he is a really good guy and has helped me out in a pinch before. There isn't much else I can say about them than that.

I have always used Pro Mix as my base with amendments (EWC, lobster compost, various meals, etc.), but I have one tent that will be done in two weeks that has been straight Pro mix and one weekly feeding. I really cant tell the difference between amended soil and non so far. The real answer will come on the harvest. So far, I would say the Pro Mix and a weekly feeding with the BP (plus molasses and cal mag) is producing the same results as feeding with amended soil. I think I am gonna save my back the abuse (plus a little cash) and omit the amendments.

The most important thing with being successful in growing is finding what works for you. I have a ton a little tricks I use to make my life easier, but with a few dozen plants at any given time, you don't have much of a choice. For example: if you only have four plants in 3 gal pots, get yourself a 2 gallon sprayer to feed them. Remove the nozzle and it will shoot a stream. It is graduated into quarters and makes it simple to figure. On a larger scale, I would suggest a large garbage pail with at least a 10 gallon mark and use a submersible pump with a water wand to administer their food. Plus, the pump will constantly stir the mix but be careful as the pump will start to warm the water up before too long. I also drop in an air stone while all of this is happening just to give a little extra O2, but I have a big stone running in my reservoir 24/7 and this is just and extra lead off the main pump so it's pretty easy for me to do. I could go on and on. Feel free to PM me with any direct questions you may have also. Good luck.