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  1. Trynax

    Is This Cabinet Worth Converting?

    I think it could work fine, really you could even use it sideways and do like to or so plants with LST/scrog and it'd work pretty well
  2. Trynax

    what light should I use?

    That would work but you can use a hps for veg too it may not have all the right spectrum but if it puts out more lumens than the t5's it'll still do better
  3. Trynax

    what light should I use?

    Hps would definitely be better but you just have to make sure you can control the heat in such a small space. A 150 isnt that much though so I think it would be maintainable, you could also use the t5's on the side for extra bottom bud growth under the scrog canopy
  4. Trynax

    Soil Dilemma

    Ok thanks man
  5. Trynax

    1x3x3 cabinet round 2

    Looks real good man hope it tastes as good as it looks bongsmilie:bigjoint:
  6. Trynax

    Soil Dilemma

    I'm starting a new grow soon and was planning on doing a medium of 50/50 fox farm ocean forest and perlite, would this work well for drainage/ air and would it cause nute burn to a seedling?
  7. Trynax

    Grow Room Design

  8. Trynax

    Grow Room Design

    Yea its borderline, I think you'd do better with four but it'll be nice fat buds
  9. Trynax

    1st grow advice

    Y you can go into flower now or later depending on his much growth you want it to have, if you wait longer = more growth, if your worried about height look up LST to make it grow more horizontal rather than vertical
  10. Trynax

    Male or female

    The first picture looks like it has a little nut growing but I can't say for sure, the rest look fine, how old into veg or flower are they?
  11. Trynax

    Tilting reflector for less heat right above the plant

    yea that could work, definitely wanna try to keep the temp at 80 max, just angle it and Id put the fan on the opposite side where it blows through the plant onto the light towards the exhaust, and by opposite side I mean towards the front on the side its already on going up towards what I...
  12. Trynax

    Help determine gender

    First is a Hermie, second looks female, 3rd is Hermie and 4th looks female
  13. Trynax

    Growing Mediums/Soils

    Naw just seeing what everyone else is using, what kind of harvests did you get from all that?
  14. Trynax

    Growing Mediums/Soils

    Nice man
  15. Trynax

    Growing Mediums/Soils

    What kind of soils/ mixes is everyone using, also nutes??
  16. Trynax

    Upgrade to HiD lighting

    ill check it out later, which one did best?
  17. Trynax

    Upgrade to HiD lighting

    ok sweet yea that sounds interesting, and yea the cmhs are pretty bright
  18. Trynax

    Upgrade to HiD lighting

    Yea you want the temp to be from 72-80 max, and I was just researching cmhs yesterday it said they're just a type of mh bulb that has a better fuller spectrum, the closest to the sun, I don't have any experience with then though
  19. Trynax

    Upgrade to HiD lighting

    A 400w would do it but the 600w would obviously be better, in a tent like that though your main issue would prob be heat so only buy one you could control the temp output
  20. Trynax

    Day 33 Into 12/12

    Lol Lol damn, hope she smokes well