Forgot to add the best pic.. After shaking my sugar leaves in a 70 micron bag w/ dry ice. I use a hammer style pollen press to punch it into 1/2 to a gram cubes.
Day 57 of flower! We are down to one survivor, Super Lemon Haze. I'll plan to pull it on day 65... still looks too ripe to me at the moment, pistels just starting to turn.. I look at the trichomes in my microscope still mostly clear and cloudy. I pulled Grimace and Grand Daddy on day 55...
Looks good man, you have an awesome setup. I have SLH right now too and it looks like we started flower on the same exact day. I'm currently 53 days into flower. Mine still look and smell extremely ripe. I plan on flowering for another week at the least. Strain info says 9-10 week flower...
Today is day 53 of flower! Back up and running like normal. Pulled the northern lights of Day 48 of flower. Made some bubble out of it too. Don't have a ton of pics because I was still scrambling to get everything back in order. Some quick shots. Peace
Got the 24 Hour inspection notice posted on my door. Had to flip the room and move my plants over nightn (it really is a ninja shower op now). i bound them tight with twine and moved them to a friends house that is only a couple blocks away. I hope the photo period isn't too messed up.. I...
Day 43 of flower. Not sure where my previous post is from today... anyway I'll use diff pics cuz it prolly another server issue and it will show later. I used 4ft bamboo sticks to hold up my plants, this morning when i woke up a lot of branches had fallen over it scared the crap out of me...
day 43 of flower: Starting flush on the Northern Lights, Will harvest that strain a week from now!! The zoomed shots order (Grand Daddy Purp, Grimace, Super Lemon Haze, Northern Lights
I think your gonna do great man... it looks good. The best part about growing is experimenting with different techniques. In my opinion if you want the best quality buds look into independent UVB bulbs...What is the break down of your LED light spectrum? With the specs of your area... you...
In my opinion your leaves were turning yellow due to nitrogen def. Though... losing lower leaves is expected during flower if your plants were bushy... they give their good ju ju back to the plant to power bud growth, unless it's excessive it's nothing to worry about. I feel like cal/mag looks...
Today is the 37th Day of Flowering... I'm not facing branches getting too heavy and falling over. I've resulted to tying the plants up a little for extra support. I think it's a result of my cramped grow space.. I guess its a good problem to have? Anyway here are some money shots. Notice the...
The handscope is starting to drive me crazy... so hard to hold it steady and see those babies. I inspected all the plants 30 mins ago and all the trichomes are clear as can be. I prefer an energizing euphoric experience so I will probably try to harvest when they've become cloudy and just...
Thanks man! I have noticed popcorn buds in the undergrowth and plan on doing a perpetual harvest like you recommended. What method do you use to determine when to harvest? I have a microscope that I've been looking at the trichomes with. I'm thinking I'll flower to 55days +... I'm getting...