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  1. L

    growing shrooms outdoors

    haha this made me laugh my ass off
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    Thanks Alot :) +rep both of you
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    Hey all. So i started my first plant about a week ago and it's looking pretty good so i decided to start another... I germed it in a paper towel until the tap root came out and i put it in soil. It popped out of the ground 2 days ago so i put it under the lights. Just 2 hours ago i noticed that...
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    is this bad?

    The only thing bad is your picture quality :P
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    Tap root retracting??

    Hey i started a seed using the paper towel method a few days ago, i checked on it yesterday and it had a small 1/8 inch tap root coming out of it and i decided to wait another day before putting it in soil. I checked today and the seed looked like it did before it cracked....??? this ever happen...
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    Flowering Already???

    What strain are they? or are they bagseed?
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    Bump If You're Baked!

    I am so fucking high right now haha
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    Small indoor Grow...

    Sorry, i was under the misconception that any of you knew anything about growing marijuana
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    Small indoor Grow...

    I'm more of an outdoor grower but im thinking of doing a small indoor grow in my closet. Im thinking of doing 12/12 on 2 cfl's per plant. I have some low ryder #2 and early special seeds. Anyone have any idea on the yield i would get after 6-8 weeks of flowering?
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    Germination Tips and such...

    Thanks alot everyone, +rep to all!
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    Germination Tips and such...

    Thanks, my water heater didn't really emit off any heat so i turned it up. Ok now the seed defiantely cracked and there is about a 2mm root that is coming up the crack. How long should the root be before i plant it in soil and how long does it usually take before the plant pops out of the soil...
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    Purchase seeds.

    I bought early special from Nirvana seeds from the time they recieved the payment it took about 5 days to get to western Canada and they sent me and extra 10 seeds, all for 40$.
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    Germination Tips and such...

    Hey when you put your seeds on the water heater, how warm was you water heater?
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    Germination Tips and such...

    alright thanks guys
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    Germination Tips and such...

    Hey all, so i have 20 seeds for this summer's grow and i have tried to germ a few just to test. Firstly i did the paper towel method and i found it difficult to keep the temperature up, i put the plate with the papertowel and seed on the heater in a room in my house and turned the heat in the...
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    buying seeds

    I heard early special from Nirvana is pretty good for somewhat harsh outdoor grows
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    Help with Outdoor grow.

    I would recommend highly not to put 50 plants in the same location, you should spread them out as much as possible to avoid detection. I agree with 420crew on the perlite and ferts that will help you immensely.
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    oooo I got a good idea! is always good, although the small selection im sure you can find a strain that suits your needs. I ordered a pack of seeds last monday and they are already here.
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    Guerilla grow plot questions

    did you say you were gonna post pics?
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    Advice on Finding Plots

    Most importantly you don't want your plants to get found so like Investinme said don't plant where people are going to go. Also spread your plants out that way it will be less obvious. If you live in an area that gets a decent amount of rain put out a big bucket to collect it that way you don't...