Germination Tips and such...


Active Member
Hey all, so i have 20 seeds for this summer's grow and i have tried to germ a few just to test. Firstly i did the paper towel method and i found it difficult to keep the temperature up, i put the plate with the papertowel and seed on the heater in a room in my house and turned the heat in the room up to 20 degrees celcius overnight and the papertowel dried up and the seed got fried. Next i tried to put it directly in soil but after 4 days nothing happened... i am thinking because either i used water directly from my tap or because the temperature was too cold. Now i'm trying to put the seed directly in a tuper ware container filled with water which seems to be working but im wondering. how do you keep the temperature at a good level?


Well-Known Member
in a paper towel per se, you could put it on a plate cover it with say saranwrap, and put it on your water heater. that should keep it warm. that or buy a hydro seedling mat, but they can be really warm be warned, i nuked a cple of seeds that way


Active Member
This is what i did my first time. Get a paper towel fold it up and stick it in a sandwich bag. Place the seed in the middle of the damp towel. Seal the bag. Go into your garage and place the bag on your water heater. Check on it 48 hours later and your germination will be complete. Mine sprouted a 2 inch root in a day and a half. Unfortionatly my plant died. Went on vacation and my mom gave it a lil too much fertalizer and burned the root. Aqua kush the gram i had was blue and so was the seed

Brick Top

New Member
I use a Tupperware container if I do the paper towel method and the paper towels never get dry. You just have to open it once or twice, like once a day if it takes a day or more, to allow a little air movement. Normally I never have to open mine since most times beans will pop in 12 to 24 hours for me but now and then some take longer so I will open the container up after about 12 hours and check and then after about another 12 hours and so on until they have popped.

You can also put your plate/bowl or whatever inside a ZipLoc bag and that will work well too. Anything else used risks a chance of drying out because it may not seal completely.


Well-Known Member
usually fairly warm, kicks on and off depending on hot water consumption. If you fear its 2 hot, there should be a dial controlling hot water tanks heating max, and min, turn towards vacacation time


Active Member
usually fairly warm, kicks on and off depending on hot water consumption. If you fear its 2 hot, there should be a dial controlling hot water tanks heating max, and min, turn towards vacacation time
Thanks, my water heater didn't really emit off any heat so i turned it up. Ok now the seed defiantely cracked and there is about a 2mm root that is coming up the crack. How long should the root be before i plant it in soil and how long does it usually take before the plant pops out of the soil after planting?


Well-Known Member
I usually wait until the taproot is 1/4 of an inch before I plant. It can take anywhere from 2-6 days to emerge from the soil.


Active Member
i also use the paper towel in a tupper ware dish on the radiator method. if the seeds are good then this works 100% of the time. my mom(who has grown since before i was even thought of, and im 23!) prefers to just drop her seeds in a cup of water and let them sit in there until they germ. not my preference but just a thought. good luck.