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  1. luvthatchron

    I had to harvest early

    i already hung them up earlier today. yes. put a bud on top of a hot water rad to dry ... smoked it about 10 minutes ago. Nice high for sure, I'm happy. Not stoned, but a nice body high.... feels good. Should I trim the fan leaves now??
  2. luvthatchron

    I had to harvest early

    2 of them are indicas
  3. luvthatchron

    I had to harvest early

    My landlords decided to put our place up for sale, and with the constant traffic from people coming through the house, I decided its best to just rid myself of them. I harvested 3 plants that were 6 1/2 weeks into flowering. I know its really early, but kind of out of my control. Think...
  4. luvthatchron

    Day 22, How's she doing?

    every branch has buds on it, not super visible in the pics. Like I said, if I were to do it again, I'd make a lot of changes, its just not in the cards right now. But there are definitely buds on every branch. I figure I have 5 weeks left of flowering, at least, I should be able to get more I...
  5. luvthatchron

    Day 22, How's she doing?

    I'm aware that more light would help, but its a really low budget and more importantly, its more important to keep it discrete. I could have done a lot of things differently, bigger pots would have been nice too. The biggest one is42 inches, and the smallest is 38 inches. They are really thin...
  6. luvthatchron

    weed prices

    Dude, for 1 oz in Canada, you could drive here, pick it up, drive home and still have money left over
  7. luvthatchron

    Day 22, How's she doing?

    Today is the 80th day since I put the seeds in a wet paper towel. Today is the 22nd day since they started flowering. I am a first time grower, sick of paying for weed, since I'm broke and in school. I'm not expecting much, and every thing I've used is somethingI already have, I bought...
  8. luvthatchron

    Tricks of the trade; increasing THC content.

    I'm still in the middle of my first grow. just 3 plants, but I heard if you hit the bitches with 24 hr light before you harvest them, it will stress them into max production, havent tried it, so i cant recommend it, its ust what i heard
  9. luvthatchron

    Day 22 fertilizing ??

    Hey all, I'm on day 22 of my flowering. Pic in my avatar is from yesterday. I havent fertilized it yet at all, just eggshells. I just found some 15-30-15 flowering plant fertilizer... is this a good ratio? I'm a first time grower.
  10. luvthatchron

    weed prices

    jtoth3ustin, you from kitchener?
  11. luvthatchron

    moving to canada

    Southern Ontario has huge outdoor ops, outdoor growing season is late may to mid october.
  12. luvthatchron

    My stems are flimsy

    its flowering
  13. luvthatchron

    My stems are flimsy

    thanks guys i appreciate it. new question ... havent used fertilizers yet, but I found a 500g container of plant-prod Flowering Plant Fertilizer (15-30-15). Good idea or no? And would it be okay to used in collaboration with the mollases?
  14. luvthatchron

    My stems are flimsy

    per 10 liters of water or soil ?
  15. luvthatchron

    P4 Crystal Substitute?

    I'm in the middle of my first grow, but I have 3 plants and I left for 4 days, closer to 5 actually. I watered them well, shut off all the lights and hoped for the best. When I got back, they had actually grown and were in perfect health, but it had shocked them into flowering. The soil wasnt...
  16. luvthatchron

    My stems are flimsy

    I've got a fan on them now, the pots could use more soil, and as far as molasses go ... how? Ive never used molasses, how do I mix it ? My temps are 68-73F
  17. luvthatchron

    My stems are flimsy

    I was home on break from work and went to rearrange the pots. I guess the 2 that are flimsy had been leaning on eachother for support because as soon as a seperated them, they fell over 45 degrees. I tied them so they're sticking straight up to the light and put my roommates fan on them...
  18. luvthatchron

    My stems are flimsy

    my avatar is the one plant that is doing well. i'll try and upload other pics.
  19. luvthatchron

    weed prices

    thats wild man, i can get qp's for the price of some of your oz's
  20. luvthatchron

    My stems are flimsy

    I'm a first time grower, my plants are at day 79 from a seed, they are at day 21 of flowering. I had a fan on them for most of the first 2 months, then my fan cut out and I never bothered replacing it. The plants are flowering nicely, but 2 of the 3 are now really flimsy and bend almost 45...