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  1. Jack The Skeleton

    need advice

    Just thought I'd share what I found was wrong so somebody else dont make the same mistake I did. My rdwc setup was wrong for the massive plants I grew. Each tote is 20 gallons but kinda on the shallow side. I have 1 1/2" pipe, that connects them all together. The plant that got the root rot...
  2. Jack The Skeleton

    need advice

    I did it won't help with rot. Hydroguard is about the only thing I can use and I already do. I wish I knew how it developed in the first place. The only thing I can think of is normally I change the res every 2 weeks but because of work its going on 3. Today it will be changed and every week...
  3. Jack The Skeleton

    need advice

    I have northern lights growing in a 3 plant rdwc system. 1 of those plants some how developed root rot. They are scrogged out so I was diagnosing the canopy for problems but when nothing seemed to help I knew the problem had to be the roots. I pried the lid up enough to get my clean hand in...
  4. Jack The Skeleton

    when do you stop tucking in scrog

    Thank you damplamp. I vegged for 9 weeks but not on purpose lol. Work got in the way and honestly I wasn't prepared for how fast everything goes in rdwc. Reading about it and actually seeing it is another thing all together. I had to buy bigger better equipment to accommodate how big these...
  5. Jack The Skeleton

    New Grower - In Early Veg. Advice on getting from here to a 4 plant scrog

    I'm no expert but if your pics are current I would definitely wait. They will bush out quite a bit more. The rule of thumb is the screen should be 75% full before the flip. Being patient will yeild you far greater results in the end. Just keep doing what you're doing and research. Thats my...
  6. Jack The Skeleton

    temp and humidity

    Well you helped me so maybe I can help you. How big is your room? Is your fan on a timer? I've been growing in a basement for years now and the only time I had that problem was when I had my exhaust fan on a timer. Using a ac in the basement when it isn't a sealed room isn't cost effective. The...
  7. Jack The Skeleton

    when do you stop tucking in scrog

    The 2 tier is just for support nothing more. My ego has nothing to do with anything btw if it was I wouldn't be asking for advice on the end result from experienced scroggers. I know this strain very well I have a foot and a half left in the stretch. I've researched the crap out of scrogging...
  8. Jack The Skeleton

    New Grower - In Early Veg. Advice on getting from here to a 4 plant scrog

    They look good. Dont worry about their size they are doing fine size envoy is a bitch lol. Just keep researching. I personally just switched from soil to hydro but before I did I researched for 6 months before I did and I still had problems. LST will be your best friend at this point. Anyway...
  9. Jack The Skeleton

    when do you stop tucking in scrog

    Ok ty I will relax a bit lol. I don't have any pics underneath them but they are lollipopped. Good advice on the airflow under the canopy its often overlooked. I have a 6" fan hooked to a 6"to 4" Y splitter that brings cool air under the canopy in each corner of the room. The 10" exhaust fan...
  10. Jack The Skeleton

    when do you stop tucking in scrog

    So my end result won't suffer if I let them stretch up 1 1/2' above the screen? I really don't care about the work. I spent a ton of time growing and training and don't want to mess anything up. Not exaggerating there are over a thousand tops on these plants. Basically just keep the canopy as...
  11. Jack The Skeleton

    when do you stop tucking in scrog

    It is a bitch to tuck. I have to low crawl under them and do it from underneath lol. My next room I guarantee i'll be able to walk around my net.
  12. Jack The Skeleton

    when do you stop tucking in scrog

    This is my first rdwc scrog grow and I'm wondering when to stop tucking. I have read a bunch of conflicting information about when to stop. I have 3 plants under 2 1000w lights in a 5x12 room my screen is pretty full. They are growing 4" a day and I flipped them a week ago. Here are some pics I...
  13. Jack The Skeleton

    Need Help Please

    Very true I only fed them 1 teaspoon a gallon of big bloom every other watering their entire lives. I have seedlings in the same soil now and they are exploding in growth so my soil def isn't too hot because it would burn the hell out of them. I shouldn't have fed them anything. I regret not...
  14. Jack The Skeleton

    Need Help Please

    No but I bought one last night and had it overnighted once you suggested it. I can run to lowes and buy a soil test kit to see what the values of my soil are if it would help. I let my soil cook for almost 4 months I didn't think I would be having as much problems I'm having
  15. Jack The Skeleton

    Need Help Please

    Ok soil ph is around 7 run off is 6.8 (my pen is more accurate) here are some pics without the hps
  16. Jack The Skeleton

    Need Help Please

    I will take some with the hps off and give the soil ph readings run off ect.
  17. Jack The Skeleton

    Need Help Please

    I honestly don't know I use distilled so I never checked it. I'll check once I go to my grow spot today at noon. Where I grow at is about 30 miles from me and everything is there.
  18. Jack The Skeleton

    Need Help Please

    Will do I'll check runoff and the soil directly and will update. Thank you for your help.
  19. Jack The Skeleton

    Need Help Please

    It doesn't look like nute burn. The big bloom really doesn't have much in it and as light as I was feeding it to them I don't see it. They have never been burnt from it. They have been getting the same feeding their entire lives in the same soil. I'm just a novice and I respect the hell out of...
  20. Jack The Skeleton

    Need Help Please

    I do have a soil ph meter I'll test it when I get back there tomorrow. I use distilled water and I let my soil cook a long time I never thought about a ph problem honestly thought my bacteria in my soil would take care of everything I'll check ty