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  1. 3plus

    C.O.B vs G.O.D LED

    So far it looks like I have alot to learn about these fixtures. old school air cooled HPS lamps are what I know.
  2. 3plus

    C.O.B vs G.O.D LED

    So I have been using one of BudMasters 675 GOD lamps and so far she doing well, flowers are smaller than the traditional HPS lamp but shes still got lots of time left to bulk up and we knew there would be a possible lighter yield, of course quality is what were after as well as quantity
  3. 3plus


    I can say make sure to use a ml or 2 of cal mag per gallon of water/solution and that will help keep them from a deficient state, good luck and have fun!!
  4. 3plus


    I just signed up and wanted one of my first posts to be on a hydro thread. Been soaking cubes and mixing ferts for some time now and just have a lot of fun doing such things, nice to meet you all
  5. 3plus

    C.O.B vs G.O.D LED

    I have one of his lights but haven't been able to test it yet, hope to in a month. Have you looked into the BML's?