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  1. C

    What's worse for plants during flower? Fluctuating temperature or fluctuating light intensity?

    dumb ass, check your local weather forecast and see how much the temp changes from day to night and from day to day. you're worried about 5 fucking degrees?
  2. C

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    up your meds and get off the conspiracy websites.
  3. C

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    god you're so completely full of shit. what does the book of the dead (which you haven't read) say about quantum physics and how do you know is says what you claim it does?
  4. C

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    that's an impressively long-winded way of avoiding admitting that you've never read anything written by ancient egyptians. do you even know how to read hieroglyphs?
  5. C

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    i seriously doubt you've ever read anything written by ancient egyptians.
  6. C

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    fuck you, fuck your imaginary god and fuck your illiterate, child raping, slave trading, mass murdering, genocidal, scripture plagiarizing, dog hating fraud of a prophet.
  7. C

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology

    click the link and educate yourself, you coward.
  8. C

    The Mighty Quran's Cosmology
  9. C

    Extracting Resin From Roach Papers

    they do both.
  10. C

    Split Exhaust Idea for Tent

    there's no point having your exhaust fan up high when you've got an ac and humidifier blowing air around. you want it as close to the top of your light as possible to suck up the heat it puts out before it can be blown around the tent.
  11. C

    Help holding buds up?

    next grow, more fans.
  12. C

    Basement in winter... Heating advice

    a thick slab of styrofoam under your tent will keep your roots from losing heat and having your air inlet at the top of the tent and outlet at the bottom will pull the waste heat from your lights down through your plants.
  13. C

    Flowering in 90 degree weather

    you're wasting a ton of light and generating more heat than needed. put up some white plastic sheets or silver foam board or something. and try to concentrate the air conditioner more on the plants.
  14. C

    Induction Grow lighting

    you think a connector with FIVE PINS is meant to connect to a wall plug?
  15. C

    Now finding mason jars are like finding toilet paper? wth! Alternatives?

    just keep an eye out at the grocery store for marked down pickles or pasta sauce.
  16. C

    seed delivery question

    the cops have better (or worse) things to do than stake out a post office for who knows how many days waiting to catch you red handed picking up your seeds when they could do that at your mailbox if they really wanted.
  17. C

    Are boys taller than girls?

    you're not making yourself look any less stupid. all plants have a random 50/50 mix of their parents' genes, f1 or otherwise. you need to stop running your mouth or you'll just sabotage everyone who takes your bs seriously.
  18. C

    Are boys taller than girls?

    not gonna waste my time. your comment was complete gibberish. "When you harvest seed from a cultivar or hybrid what you end up with is one or the other parent." literally impossible. spend one minute googling the most basic info on genetics.