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  1. blazing

    Hello fellow growers

    Lol thanks for the comment i understand what your saying. it seems the good knowledge you must actually quest for....
  2. blazing

    Blue powder miracle grow plant food . . ? Suggestions

    I've been told to stay away from Miracle Grow products unless i have to. I personally dont have any experience with them, i use foxfarm nutes and my own soil mix. I hear to watch the ph as they can ph fuck your plants.
  3. blazing

    To top or not to top....? ??

    LST ALL THE WAY. Even though you got that lovely height in your grow room you dont want to be using it all for plant growth. If you keep them shorter and real bushy you'll get a better harvest then you would jjust letting them grow big. With the lst(i prefer pinching-pm me if ur unfamiliar...
  4. blazing

    i need good advice

    Yeah if your going to make a bigger area your either going to want those huge cfl grow bulbs, or a HPS. When you start using alot of the smaller cfls(23-40w) it does actually just get cheaper to buy a hps. A 250w Mh runs about 30000lumens, where 12 23w cfls run @a total of 276w and only produce...
  5. blazing

    ww pics how do you think shes doing? 1st grow

    Very good bro. That strain does produce very nice. You got it nice and crystally too. You notice the buds will really start to fatten up within a couple weeks and you should get a nice harvest. Wat lights you using and soil or hydro?and pot size?
  6. blazing

    when to put under light

    Put them under the light now but use a smaller wattage, like some cfls dont put them under a 400w hps lol, could fry them. I like to have them under cfls or floros for about a week or two(with the light half inch above the plants(only if u can monitor it at various times of day to move the...
  7. blazing

    Lighting for clones

    I also do 18/6, saves power and i find it also works better I use to do 24hrs but made the switch and never looked back.
  8. blazing

    one strain, 2 totally different smells?

    When you buy a strain of weed it still has different genetics in it. So this is common, you caould have the one strain but each one could have other plant genetics in it to give you different pheno types.
  9. blazing

    Hello fellow growers

    Hello everyone i'd like to indroduce myself. I'm blazing and i'm going through forum withdrawl lol. I was an active an OG member of the bcbuddepot forums since 02 but it now seems some1 has hacked their forums...WTF so i'm on the search for a new forum. So i'm new to roll it up and just...
  10. blazing

    9 Bagseed grow journal

    Your going to def wanna get more lights, or a 250w(highly recommended), if your going to use cfls your going to want to use a MIN of 20000 lumens which still wont get u dense buds. For about 20k lumens thats 12 23w cfls, n a 250w hps can produce 30k whihc is much better and would work nice if u...
  11. blazing

    White Rhino Day 46 Flowering 400W HPS

    looks very good bro, wat size pots u usin?
  12. blazing

    Male = Swag??

    If its a really good strain and its a male it worth breeding other then that their useless and will ruin your crop.
  13. blazing

    growing time

    how big of an area do you got?give us some specs. i personally like 8 weeks of veg and flowering depends on strain...looks like u got alot of reading to do..
  14. blazing

    My First Atempt This Year

    get some proper equipment...use nutes, water less..Light is only intense for so long like 1.5ft-2ft so stretch is NOT good your going to heave weak penetration for your buds. leave all leafs on the plant also and instead of topping try some LSt(pinching)..the list goes on
  15. blazing

    drying plant rimmings

    NEVER DRY IN A GARBAGE BAG, you need decent ventilation for drying or it will go moldy and smell and taste like shit. Dry it on screens or in the open..
  16. blazing forums hacked??

    Hey has any1 else heard anything about the site?I use to be a member but now its all fucked and on google for the site title it says the forums have been hacked, the seed site is still available tho.
  17. blazing

    this is wut i have, how much can i grow?

    with a 400w hps make the space 3x3. And with no good ventalation your not going to get the best plants. I'd get that vent going real nice with even an air cooled hood so u can get the light nice and close. You have to give some more specs to guess on yield. ie pot size, how long vegged for.. i...
  18. blazing


    10-15 canadian/clone to outsiders, 30 for foot tall plants
  19. blazing

    first grow, dwc,150watt hps with pics/advice needed

    With a small liht you are going to want to keep em in a nice small area, i'd recommend doing a small little scrog grow if you can. And opposed to topping you should pinch, i like to start after the 6th node and pinch often. Make sure with your light your aiming for that 40-50w/sq ft in your...
  20. blazing

    harvest bud right into jars

    you wanna dry around 40-50% humidty and proper drying should take about 6-8 days( the longer the better more cholorophyl will break down for a better tase) n dont have a fan blowing on em, blows dirt and shit into your buds...