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  1. C


    hi guys i have heard a lot about scrog but never tried it but on my new grow i would like to try this method can anybody tell me what size holes are best in the mesh and how high do you have it from the tray or pots. thank you
  2. C


    hi guys i am thinking about growing AK48 in dwarfs and have a couple of questions if anybody can help me out. I have a 1m square hydro system wiyh two 400 watt mh/hps and two 150 watt CFLs (red spectrum). How many plants can i get in a 1m square hydro (flood & drain) with the lights above. Do i...
  3. C


    hi guys i am doing 16 plants in hydro in an area 1m square using flood and drain under two 400w mh lights. the plants measure 4 inches tall and they are 2 and a half weeks old but does the height sound right. thanks guys.
  4. C


    Nobody heard of this then
  5. C


  6. C


    hi guys just a quick question has anybody grew or smoked cheesewreck as i have been given a couple of seeds and did not know if its a good smoke or easy to grow
  7. C


    Hey guys any more feedback on this??????????????????????????????
  8. C


    i have found one its called Fuzion Vaporizer - GVR 600 has anybody heard of it or used it
  9. C


    Right guys i am in the uk and trying to find out more about this so are they worth the money and if so apart from the health benifits is it better than a splif. Also can you advise me which 1 to buy buget around £150 thanks. Sorry if this is in the wrong place as i did not know which section...
  10. C

    How High

    Thanks for all your advice and i am going to grow small as i dont want a monster again .
  11. C

    How High

    I have read a few threads on here with other people growing arjans haze and they have all had the same problem tooooooo high. so this time growing skunk #1 as i know i won't get that high.So its ok to flower the ladies at 12 inches then.thanks for all your help.
  12. C

    How High

    Hi they were over 6ft tall but blocked out light and produced little or no bud.
  13. C

    How High

    hi guys i am using hydro and a 400w hps temp is around 75 and humidity around 65 vertical height of closet is 6'8. they won't be ready for a few weeks yet so i just wanted to know at what height to put them in for flowering and just growing 3 plants. thanks
  14. C

    How High

    Thanks for the info but i have been told to put the plants in for flowering at 12 inches does this sound right
  15. C

    How High

    Hi guys i tried to grow arjans haze#1 but it got out of control with the height so had to cut my losses and start again so i am trying skunk#1 this time but at what height should i put them in for flowering as i dont want to make the same mistake as last time. thanks and Happy new year to all.
  16. C

    how much light

    well at least i will know for next time and i will get it to 1 foot and the put it in for flowering thank you for the info and respect to you all.
  17. C

    how much light

    well its my very first grow never done it before but was given the seeds and did not realize how big it was going to get but its turned into a monster
  18. C

    how much light

    at the moment running 650 hps over two plants but the arjans is over 6foot 5 and over 3 foot wide in places and running out of space for the light and its a closet grow so thats why i was asking about dwarfs. thank you guys for the info
  19. C

    how much light

    hi i am thinking about growing AK47 but in dwarf does anybody know what the min light is for theese plants and has anyone had any sucess. i have been told that i will need a 1000 watt light but how many plants will that do. i am at the moment growing arjans haze#1 and in 5th week of flowering...