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  1. Eyeman265

    Can/should I LST?

    Yeah had I known she was gonna get this long I would've suppercropped before the flip. Thanks for the advice though. That picture actually explained things pretty good lol
  2. Eyeman265

    Can/should I LST?

    She's almost a week into flowering right now. Isn't it a little late to be flexing her around this much though? Sorry I'm new to the whole supercropping thing lol
  3. Eyeman265

    Can/should I LST?

    So I decided to tie her down a bit last night and this morning her top bent upwards which is what I was hoping for. Now I have a couple questions.. How long do I keep her tied? For the duration of the grow? Also once my buds start coming in since she is off to the side a bit will the bud weigh...
  4. Eyeman265

    Can/should I LST?

    You read my mind exactly:-D
  5. Eyeman265

    Can/should I LST?

    That's kind of why I figured LST is my best bet. Just tie her Down with minimal stress. I just switched to flower 5 days ago so wouldn't it still stretch some? Normally I would let her do her thing but she's cruising too fast and too high compared to the others. I'm going to sleep on it tonight...
  6. Eyeman265

    Can/should I LST?

    Yeah you bet I just finished watching a few videos. Thanks for the replies everyone I think I'm starting to understand this whole supercropping thing now haha
  7. Eyeman265

    Can/should I LST?

    That worries me.. I'm kinda worried for snapping the stalk... Bear in mind it's grown a good 6" since this picture so would I still bend and tie it down that low on the plant? Or could o move up a node or 2? I plan on doing something tonight before she goes to sleep.
  8. Eyeman265

    Can/should I LST?

    Yeah I figured my only option might be to just tie her down a bit and see what happens. She's still a little flexible right now. I figured the longer I wait the worse it can get...
  9. Eyeman265

    Welcome New Members!

    I couldn't figure out how for the life of me either but I can now. After you finish the first 48 hours your profile opens up a little more and you can like things and what not
  10. Eyeman265

    Can/should I LST?

    Ok so I have a question. I have 4 plants 5 days into flower and one of them shot up past the rest by almost 18" now.. So my question is can I LST it? Or if there is any better options? I'm concerned she will smack the ceiling before she quits growing. I'm in a 6x6x6.5 tent but my light is a...
  11. Eyeman265

    Welcome New Members!

    Yup got my wife to make me fabric pots so overwatering is extremely hard to do haha
  12. Eyeman265

    Welcome New Members!

    Nope started with coco/verm and I over watered the crap out of them... They felt dry on the top but became a soup in the bottom. Plus I had the wrong light set up and fried some of them... I eventually decided to transplant and save what I could which was 4. 1 of those 4 almost died when the...
  13. Eyeman265

    First grow

    Haha thanks guys. Yeah I literally read till my eyes bleed some days. I've always been the type to say you can never have enough info. I'm exited for my first harvest in a couple months and I'll be frequently picking heads on the forums to make sure I ain't screwing up lol..
  14. Eyeman265

    Welcome New Members!

    Started with 10 but down to 4 due to nooby paranoia... 2bubble bomb 1og and 1 unknown bag seed. I spent some good money on a nice kit and on the verge of buying more stuff lol. What about you?
  15. Eyeman265

    Bare Bones Basics

    Agreed. I'm as nooby into growing as they come and I have a lot of regrets(just flipped first grow) but the one thing that stands the truest is patience and not worrying so much. Overthinking is easily my leading cause of any problems I've had wether it be watering too much or not enough wether...
  16. Eyeman265

    First grow

    So I've been frequenting these forums so much I figured I might as well join up and be party of the convo instead of just reading them. This is my first grow and although I'm loving it some days the stress kills me haha.. Here is what I got and where I am. 6x6 grow tent 1000w mh/hps 6"fan...
  17. Eyeman265

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm with skinny on that one. I figured I might as well make the leap since I've been studying this forum like bat out of hell recently