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  1. davearch07

    omg, i just vaporized a stem with acid on it!

    Hope this closes this thread Every increase of 10'C doubles the rate of degradation of LSD (ie d-LSD to d-iso-LSD). Now a tip of a spliff/cigarette is about 600'C, which is 58 x 10'C above room temp, therefore the LSD will degrade 2^58 times faster than at room temp (which is going to be...
  2. davearch07

    omg, i just vaporized a stem with acid on it!

    Congrats you trolled yourself for 7 years making you look like an idiot. I can only imagine where you are now in your sorry life,
  3. davearch07

    I Love LSD

    watch out those tie dye geltabs are strong dont take more then 3 unless you want to fry like an egg
  4. davearch07

    "Bliss" LSD- v. strong- anyone had it?

    stay away from those tie dye gel tabs those r fucked a good way :)
  5. davearch07

    Skelaxin WTF

    there the best after youve been rollin
  6. davearch07

    I Love LSD

    i picked up a 10 strip of those tie dye gel tabs except myne were mostly brown and green
  7. davearch07

    Best smelling...

    that grapefruit buddd
  8. davearch07

    Lil Wayne = The Best

    lil wayne is fuckin awesome to listen to when u blaze hes got really good anaolgies or however u seay that
  9. davearch07

    omg, i just vaporized a stem with acid on it!

    im majoring in organic chemistry, trust me u cannot vaporize lsd if u felt anything it could have been pcp but i highly doubt someone would put that on some marijuana stems im calling b.s on this one, not to be an ass or anything
  10. davearch07

    omg, i just vaporized a stem with acid on it!

    beleve me if u were on acid the last place youd wanan be is typing on a computer to strangers and ive done acid over 25 times and u dont even get hallucinations off one hit of acid unless its some good ass shit damn im blazed
  11. davearch07

    omg, i just vaporized a stem with acid on it!

    you wernt tripping you were just high man you cant vaporize lsd lsd breaks down when exposed to any heat or light
  12. davearch07

    THIS IS A POLL! Joints Vs Bongs

    swisher blunts all the wayyy
  13. davearch07


    that cough syrup takes a toll on ur stomuch and ur liver get a strip of acid..much better yum!