omg, i just vaporized a stem with acid on it!


Well-Known Member
uh yeah i said i did in the first thread. the dude said it was on the biggest one but there were like 4 big ones. only 1 big one is left. i vaped a lot of small stems too

the hallucinations are starting to wear off now. now i'm just stoned. but its kind of different.

i also talked to the guy, saying i was tripping the fuck out. and he says he will give me a fat bag of real bud for free tommorow. i hope he actually does.


Active Member
you wernt tripping
you were just high man
you cant vaporize lsd
lsd breaks down when exposed to any heat or light


Well-Known Member
Run an experiment on your friends that do acid/shrooms, give them hits or paper that look like blotter or some plain visine, see if they start thinking they're tripping. Some people will, some won't, it's all a mind trick, it's like someone acting drunk off non-alcoholic beer because they didn't know it was non-alcoholic.

And if they do think they're tripping don't tell them otherwise until they come down/freak out, I'd be just as happy if I tricked myself into hallucinating and thinking I was on LSD as if I ate some real stuff, it's all in your mind anyway!


Active Member
beleve me if u were on acid the last place youd wanan be is typing on a computer to strangers
and ive done acid over 25 times and u dont even get hallucinations off one hit of acid unless its some good ass shit
damn im blazed


Active Member
I have had many acid trips but never once heard of smoking/vaproizing it. I actually read several places that LSD does break down from any heat. If this guy is a dealer than he most likley laced it with a cheaper drug and said it was acid. anyway you don't seem very experienced with drugs so you probably wouldn't know the difference.

and by the way, acid does make you trip pretty decent off one hit; if it doesn't than it's not acid or just really shitty.


Well-Known Member
ive smoked loads of trips and IT DOES WORK its really intense but doesnt last long
yeah last night was pretty intense. i vaporized some more stems. only 1 batch though and man i'm flying. and this is from one of the vaporized batch. what the hell is going on here? so vaporizing stems will get you high? i had really red eyes last night. and i was hallucinating cheap hallucinations like hell.


Active Member
theres no real active drug getting you high, its just cutting off circulation to your brain and making you dizzy, a cheap high. what kind of vaporizer to have?


Well-Known Member
maybe i'm totally wrong, but it was my impression that LSD was destroyed under heat? I've fucked with it... too much... but I used to get the 100 dose vials, and I was told specifically NOT to try smoking it as it was a waste... didn't hear it from the chemist who made it tho, so it could be bs...

Also... a while back when the HFStival was still around, I saw some dudes dipping cigs into a vial of liquid... i was smoking (in the 420 section, as per tradition), and asked the dude, and he said it was PCP...

If only i had seen this yesterday... you could always see if you were suddenly retard strong and attempt to lift a car.... (didn't hear that suggestion from me, lol.)