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  1. Paceaux70

    Weed vs. Tobacco

    :bigjoint:Being in a professional enviroment I would just smoke at nights to chill out & get creative with home projects, leave work @ work if ya know what I mean. On weekends, smoke some nice stavia and go out and just explore different areas or whatever comes to mind. I can't just sit at home...
  2. Paceaux70

    Who hasn't had this happen to them??

    Sup Anyways I always hit this site for humor and came across this link :cuss::finger: Even tho it was in spain...someone would be gettin there ass kicked by a huge pit if it were my yard....even tho I don't own pits lol German shepherds own!!
  3. Paceaux70

    Your Thoughts on DIY Lightspikes (grow lights)

    I picked up my usual reading material........ and came across an article in this month's popsci mag. Hubby and I are stoked about making it. Just wanted all the green thumbs opinions about making this. here is the link to the page with all the destructions & what you need to buy to make...
  4. Paceaux70

    pets and weed

    About 3 yrs ago, my sister asked me to house sit for a few days. She has 3 lil poms, sweet lil ankle biters...anyhooo I was pretty stoked that night I scored a sweet sack with it being dry all over. I had just made myself comfortable on the deck outside, the dogs were on deck with me. Picture...
  5. Paceaux70

    Ladie Growers/Tokers out there?!!

    Good morning fellow stoners.......not new to RIU but big huge fan for a few months. Learned alot and did my first grow and last night harvested my first crop ever. Didnt get to take pictures due to my german shepherd chewing up the cam when I left for a couple of hours grrrrrrrrrrr...
  6. Paceaux70

    1st Grow n RV closet

    :leaf:Just updated pictures. Now the only problem I am facing is heat due to wacky weather, cold one day then spring like the next, Global warming :o Enjoy :weed:
  7. Paceaux70

    Walmart? Home Depot?

    Spoon...all my lights came from both stores and the only downfall was arranging the lights constantly. However throughout my grow had to deal with burnt tips & fan leaves. :shock: They do work wonders, just need to learn to arrange properly :o But both places I bought the 6500k daylight x 10...
  8. Paceaux70

    1st Grow n RV closet

    Been hella busy.... anyways just an update to anyone who was interested. Pictures are day 43 Flowering :leaf: Tonight was the first flushing for 2 of the plants.. the other two have at least 3 more weeks. Stopped nutes 2 waterings ago and only used molases for feedings. Constant 77 degrees...
  9. Paceaux70

    Hey newbies..need tips

    Yes sirrrr.... that is SEXY ladies. Props on ya babies! :weed:
  10. Paceaux70

    Hey newbies..need tips

    :-P OWND LOL didn't mean to laugh but Wildfire's comment cracked me up. LOL Seriously who comes off on a forum site for Marijuana to boast about looks. I was looking for bud pictures myself. LOL still laughing Here u go Wildfire, here is a sexi bitch picture for ya hon
  11. Paceaux70

    1st Grow n RV closet

    Thanx King.... The tall babes are 3.5ft from topsoil and the shorty is only 2.5 tall. They are two unknown bagseeds and I am guessing the 3 tall ones are stavia hybrid & shorty is indica strain. Thanx for the rep.....same to you man. Took some more pictures tonight... Day 32 flowering. All the...
  12. Paceaux70

    1st Grow n RV closet

    Just taken updated pictures.... and one question..... does it look good for bagseed?? The smell is really coming off the tall plants and I still have the short short bushy one that smells like a skunk in my closet. Thanx & Peace
  13. Paceaux70

    apartment ripped off

    All states have renter privacy acts... HOWEVER any ILLEGAL activity make it all NULL AND VOID. All I say is that it will get you eventually if you continue to grow in an apartment. Kudos for all the ones that are stealthy not to get caught. But ever since I started reading this forums, there...
  14. Paceaux70

    apartment ripped off

    This situation sucks, the best thing to do is find another place to live, or continue having your op disappearing or worse, the landlord calling the law on you. THIS part sucks ass but the landlord has EVERY right to come unto his PROPERTY that YOU are RENTING from. Never have a grow op if...
  15. Paceaux70

    1st Grow n RV closet

    Ahh... make sure you don't overload the circuit breakers in the bedroom, I assume everything is running on one breaker. We had problems before with tripping the breaker to run a/c. Just too much for that room, run a extension from another outlet and that should solve the heater trippin your...
  16. Paceaux70

    1st Grow n RV closet

    Day 25 Flowering Updated Pictures In one picture, I didn't name the 3rd plant, same bagseed "Janice" is. I kept the light as close to the two lanky plants so I can't say I didn't give it enough light. The other plant is short bushy, very bushy and just full more in the middle. Just odd or...
  17. Paceaux70

    1st Grow n RV closet

    :hug:LOL, guess I will make this my unoffical grow journal, even added an album of my bundles of joy. While out of town last week, I picked up some seeds that were apparently of an unknown medical strain. Now I have no clue to strains, just that if its great smoke, I keep the seeds. Think I...
  18. Paceaux70

    1st Grow n RV closet

    Sok...its all good :joint: I know I cannot be the only person to ever grow in a RV, have a few friends that have hubbies otr alot. I grow for medicinal purposes because I would rather smoke then be strung out on painkillers. HoHum... I will keep pictures updated. Getting ready to move again...
  19. Paceaux70

    Musical stimulation?

    Agreed... guess that is why all my plants thrive, I just jam :weed: Historical note though, Native american women that tended to gardens, sang to t hem as well.
  20. Paceaux70

    Musical stimulation?

    Nah was not looking to be right. Anything is some kind of stimuli, when I stated I turned on the cd player, where did you read in my sentence that said it was the all plants need. Anyhoo that was the point I was making that I think it makes a positive step in growing. Peace